Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- t -
- Italic : FontStyle
- TargetModelObjectId : IRouteParams
- TargetPortIndex : IRouteParams
- Text : IParameterDefinition, RichTextToken
- TextureCoordinateCount : IGrid
- Thickness : IFloorParams, IMaterialLayer, IOpeningParams, IWallParams
- TitleBlockInstanceCount : IDrawing
- TokenCount : IRichTextParagraph
- ToolTip : IAction, IDropDownButton
- Top : Rect
- Topics : IProject
- Town : IPostalAddress
- Transform() : IPlacement3D
- TransformPoint() : ITransform2D, ITransform3D
- TransformVector() : ITransform2D, ITransform3D
- TriangleCount : IGrid
- Type : IProperty, IPropertyDescription, IQuantity, IView, PropertyDescription
- TypeId : IEntity
- TypeIdS : IEntity