IUI Interface Reference

Contains functions relating to the user interface. More...

Inheritance diagram for IUI:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT AddContextMenu ([in, ref] GUID *pId, [in] IContextMenu *pMmenu, [in] enum ViewType viewType_, [in] enum ContextMenuShowCase showCase_)
 Adds items and submenus to Renga context menus.
HRESULT AddContextMenuS ([in] BSTR uniqueId_, [in] IContextMenu *pMmenu, [in] enum ViewType viewType_, [in] enum ContextMenuShowCase showCase_)
 Same as AddContextMenu, but accepting GUID as a string.
HRESULT AddExportAction ([in] IAction *pAction)
 Adds an action to the export drop-down menu of the application.
HRESULT AddExtensionToActionsPanel ([in] IUIPanelExtension *pUIPanelExtension, [in] enum ViewType viewType_)
 Adds a UI panel extension to the Actions application panel.
HRESULT AddExtensionToPrimaryPanel ([in] IUIPanelExtension *pUIPanelExtension)
 Adds a UI panel extension to the primary application panel.
HRESULT AddToolButtonToActionsPanel ([in] IAction *pAction, [in] enum ViewType viewType_)
 Adds a tool button to the Actions application panel.
HRESULT CreateAction ([out, retval] IAction **ppAction)
 Creates a new action object.
HRESULT CreateActionWithId ([in] GUID id, [out, retval] IAction **ppAction)
 Creates a new action object with the specified identifier.
HRESULT CreateContextMenu ([out, retval] IContextMenu **ppContextMenu)
 Creates a new context menu.
HRESULT CreateDropDownButton ([out, retval] IDropDownButton **ppDropDownButton)
 Creates a drop-down button.
HRESULT CreateDropDownButtonWithId ([in] GUID id, [out, retval] IDropDownButton **ppDropDownButton)
 Creates a drop-down button with the specified identifier.
HRESULT CreateDropDownButtonWithIdS ([in] BSTR id, [out, retval] IDropDownButton **ppDropDownButton)
 Creates a drop-down button with the specified identifier.
HRESULT CreateImage ([out, retval] IImage **ppImage)
 Creates an image.
HRESULT CreateSplitButton ([in] IAction *pDefaultAction, [out, retval] ISplitButton **ppSplitButton)
 Creates a split button.
HRESULT CreateSplitButtonWithId ([in] GUID id, [in] IAction *pDefaultAction, [out, retval] ISplitButton **ppSplitButton)
 Creates a split button with the specified identifier.
HRESULT CreateSplitButtonWithIdS ([in] BSTR id, [in] IAction *pDefaultAction, [out, retval] ISplitButton **ppSplitButton)
 Creates a split button with the specified identifier.
HRESULT CreateToolButton ([out, retval] IToolButton **ppToolButton)
 Creates a tool button.
HRESULT CreateToolButtonWithId ([in] GUID id, [out, retval] IToolButton **ppToolButton)
 Creates a tool button with the specified identifier.
HRESULT CreateToolButtonWithIdS ([in] BSTR id, [out, retval] IToolButton **ppToolButton)
 Creates a tool button with the specified identifier.
HRESULT CreateUIPanelExtension ([out, retval] IUIPanelExtension **ppUIPanelExtension)
 Creates an extension for a UI panel.
HRESULT GetAction ([in] GUID id, [out, retval] IAction **ppAction)
 Returns an existing action by the given id.
HRESULT GetControlVisibility ([in] GUID id, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVisible)
 Returns the control visibility state.
HRESULT GetControlVisibilityS ([in] BSTR id, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVisible)
 Returns the control visibility state.
HRESULT SetControlVisibility ([in] GUID id, [in] VARIANT_BOOL isVisible)
 Allows to set the control visibility state.
HRESULT SetControlVisibilityS ([in] BSTR id, [in] VARIANT_BOOL isVisible)
 Allows to set the control visibility state.
HRESULT ShowMessageBox ([in] enum MessageIcon icon_, [in] BSTR title_, [in] BSTR text_)
 Shows a modal message box with the given icon, title and text and the Close button.
HRESULT ShowOpenFileDialog ([in] BSTR title_, [in] BSTR defaultPath, [in] BSTR filter, [out, retval] BSTR *pFileName)
 Shows the Open File dialog and returns the name of an existing file selected by user.
HRESULT ShowSaveFileDialog ([in] BSTR title, [in] BSTR defaultPath, [in] BSTR filter, [out, retval] BSTR *pFileName)
 Shows the Save File dialog and returns the file name selected by user.

Detailed Description

Contains functions relating to the user interface.

This interface provides methods to manage custom user interface controls displayed in the application, such as tool buttons on the primary panel. There are several ways to extend Renga's user interface:

Besides, it provides methods to show messages and use the Open and Save File dialogs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddContextMenu()

HRESULT AddContextMenu ( [in, ref] GUID * pId,
[in] IContextMenu * pMmenu,
[in] enum ViewType viewType_,
[in] enum ContextMenuShowCase showCase_ )

Adds items and submenus to Renga context menus.

[in]pIdThe unique identifier of added Renga context menu.
[in]pMmenuThe items to add.
[in]viewType_The type of the view whose context menu will contain the new items.
[in]showCase_The situation when the items should be shown.

◆ AddContextMenuS()

HRESULT AddContextMenuS ( [in] BSTR uniqueId_,
[in] IContextMenu * pMmenu,
[in] enum ViewType viewType_,
[in] enum ContextMenuShowCase showCase_ )

Same as AddContextMenu, but accepting GUID as a string.

[in]uniqueId_The unique identifier of added Renga context menu.
[in]pMmenuThe items to add.
[in]viewType_The type of the view whose context menu will contain the new items.
[in]showCase_The situation when the items should be shown.

◆ AddExportAction()

HRESULT AddExportAction ( [in] IAction * pAction)

Adds an action to the export drop-down menu of the application.

[in]pActionThe action to add.
See also

◆ AddExtensionToActionsPanel()

HRESULT AddExtensionToActionsPanel ( [in] IUIPanelExtension * pUIPanelExtension,
[in] enum ViewType viewType_ )

Adds a UI panel extension to the Actions application panel.

[in]pUIPanelExtensionThe UI panel extension to add.
[in]viewType_The specific type of the view to show the extension on.

◆ AddExtensionToPrimaryPanel()

HRESULT AddExtensionToPrimaryPanel ( [in] IUIPanelExtension * pUIPanelExtension)

Adds a UI panel extension to the primary application panel.

[in]pUIPanelExtensionThe UI panel extension to add.

◆ AddToolButtonToActionsPanel()

HRESULT AddToolButtonToActionsPanel ( [in] IAction * pAction,
[in] enum ViewType viewType_ )

Adds a tool button to the Actions application panel.

[in]pActionThe action to associate with the new button.
[in]viewType_The specific type of the view to add the button to.

◆ CreateAction()

HRESULT CreateAction ( [out, retval] IAction ** ppAction)

Creates a new action object.

[out]ppActionThe action interface which references the new action.
See also

◆ CreateActionWithId()

HRESULT CreateActionWithId ( [in] GUID id,
[out, retval] IAction ** ppAction )

Creates a new action object with the specified identifier.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the action
[out]ppActionThe action interface which references the new action.
See also

◆ CreateContextMenu()

HRESULT CreateContextMenu ( [out, retval] IContextMenu ** ppContextMenu)

Creates a new context menu.

[out]ppContextMenuThe new context menu.
See also

◆ CreateDropDownButton()

HRESULT CreateDropDownButton ( [out, retval] IDropDownButton ** ppDropDownButton)

Creates a drop-down button.

[out]ppDropDownButtonThe drop-down button interface which references the new drop-down button.

◆ CreateDropDownButtonWithId()

HRESULT CreateDropDownButtonWithId ( [in] GUID id,
[out, retval] IDropDownButton ** ppDropDownButton )

Creates a drop-down button with the specified identifier.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control.
[out]ppDropDownButtonThe drop-down button interface which references the new drop-down button.

◆ CreateDropDownButtonWithIdS()

HRESULT CreateDropDownButtonWithIdS ( [in] BSTR id,
[out, retval] IDropDownButton ** ppDropDownButton )

Creates a drop-down button with the specified identifier.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control as a string.
[out]ppDropDownButtonThe drop-down button interface which references the new drop-down button.

◆ CreateImage()

HRESULT CreateImage ( [out, retval] IImage ** ppImage)

Creates an image.

[out]ppImageThe new image.
See also

◆ CreateSplitButton()

HRESULT CreateSplitButton ( [in] IAction * pDefaultAction,
[out, retval] ISplitButton ** ppSplitButton )

Creates a split button.

[in]pDefaultActionThe action to trigger when user clicks on the primary button
[out]ppSplitButtonThe split button interface which references the new split button.

◆ CreateSplitButtonWithId()

HRESULT CreateSplitButtonWithId ( [in] GUID id,
[in] IAction * pDefaultAction,
[out, retval] ISplitButton ** ppSplitButton )

Creates a split button with the specified identifier.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control.
[in]pDefaultActionThe action to trigger when user clicks on the primary button
[out]ppSplitButtonThe split button interface which references the new split button.

◆ CreateSplitButtonWithIdS()

HRESULT CreateSplitButtonWithIdS ( [in] BSTR id,
[in] IAction * pDefaultAction,
[out, retval] ISplitButton ** ppSplitButton )

Creates a split button with the specified identifier.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control as a string.
[in]pDefaultActionThe action to trigger when user clicks on the primary button
[out]ppSplitButtonThe split button interface which references the new split button.

◆ CreateToolButton()

HRESULT CreateToolButton ( [out, retval] IToolButton ** ppToolButton)

Creates a tool button.

[out]ppToolButtonThe tool button interface which references the new tool button.

◆ CreateToolButtonWithId()

HRESULT CreateToolButtonWithId ( [in] GUID id,
[out, retval] IToolButton ** ppToolButton )

Creates a tool button with the specified identifier.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control.
[out]ppToolButtonThe tool button interface which references the new tool button.

◆ CreateToolButtonWithIdS()

HRESULT CreateToolButtonWithIdS ( [in] BSTR id,
[out, retval] IToolButton ** ppToolButton )

Creates a tool button with the specified identifier.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control as a string.
[out]ppToolButtonThe tool button interface which references the new tool button.

◆ CreateUIPanelExtension()

HRESULT CreateUIPanelExtension ( [out, retval] IUIPanelExtension ** ppUIPanelExtension)

Creates an extension for a UI panel.

[out]ppUIPanelExtensionThe action interface which references the new panel extension.

◆ GetAction()

HRESULT GetAction ( [in] GUID id,
[out, retval] IAction ** ppAction )

Returns an existing action by the given id.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the action.
[out]ppActionThe requested action interface if there exists one; nullptr otherwise.
See also
CreateAction(), CreateActionWithId()

◆ GetControlVisibility()

HRESULT GetControlVisibility ( [in] GUID id,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pVisible )

Returns the control visibility state.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control.
[in]isVisibleThe visibility flag to return.

◆ GetControlVisibilityS()

HRESULT GetControlVisibilityS ( [in] BSTR id,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pVisible )

Returns the control visibility state.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control as a string.
[in]isVisibleThe visibility flag to return.

◆ SetControlVisibility()

HRESULT SetControlVisibility ( [in] GUID id,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL isVisible )

Allows to set the control visibility state.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control.
[in]isVisibleThe visibility flag.

◆ SetControlVisibilityS()

HRESULT SetControlVisibilityS ( [in] BSTR id,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL isVisible )

Allows to set the control visibility state.

[in]idThe unique identifier of the control as a string.
[in]isVisibleThe visibility flag.

◆ ShowMessageBox()

HRESULT ShowMessageBox ( [in] enum MessageIcon icon_,
[in] BSTR title_,
[in] BSTR text_ )

Shows a modal message box with the given icon, title and text and the Close button.

When a message box is shown, users cannot interact with any other Renga's windows until the box is closed.

This method should not be called from any threads other than the ones run by Renga.
[in]icon_The message box icon.
[in]title_The message box title.
[in]text_The message text.

◆ ShowOpenFileDialog()

HRESULT ShowOpenFileDialog ( [in] BSTR title_,
[in] BSTR defaultPath,
[in] BSTR filter,
[out, retval] BSTR * pFileName )

Shows the Open File dialog and returns the name of an existing file selected by user.

[in]title_The localized dialog title.
[in]defaultPathThe working directory of the dialog. If defaultPath includes a file name, the file will be selected initially. The defaultPath may be empty.
[in]filterFilters determine which files to show in the dialog. A filter consists of the filter name followed by a space-separated list of filename wildcard patterns, enclosed in parentheses. To supply multiple filters, separate them with two semicolons. For example:

‍"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)"

To show all files, pass an empty string.
[out]pFileNameThe file name selected by user. If the user has pressed the Cancel or Close button instead, an empty string is returned.

◆ ShowSaveFileDialog()

HRESULT ShowSaveFileDialog ( [in] BSTR title,
[in] BSTR defaultPath,
[in] BSTR filter,
[out, retval] BSTR * pFileName )

Shows the Save File dialog and returns the file name selected by user.

[in]titleThe localized dialog title.
[in]defaultPathThe working directory of the dialog. If defaultPath includes a file name, the file will be selected initially. The defaultPath may be empty.
[in]filterFilters determine which files to show in the dialog. A filter consists of the filter name followed by a space-separated list of filename wildcard patterns, enclosed in parentheses. To supply multiple filters, separate them with two semicolons. For example:

‍"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)"

To show all files, pass an empty string.
[out]pFileNameThe file name selected by user; the file does not have to exist. If the user has pressed the Cancel or Close button instead, an empty string is returned.