About Renga STDL


In Renga, style determines the category and appearance of many objects. Users can expand the engineering system object categories available in a project by developing a style template using Renga STDL. The resulting file, with an RST extension, can then be added to the project.

The style template sets the appearance and parameters of the object style available to the user.

Renga Style Template Description Language (STDL) is a Lua-based language used to describe style templates for Renga. STDL allows for the creation of style templates using Lua's built-in capabilities, including conditions and loops. Additionally, STDL uses JSON to define object style parameters. Furthermore, STDL includes Style Template API functions for interacting with Renga.

In the current version of Renga Professional with Renga STDL, you can create new categories of the following engineering system objects:

About Lua

Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language that works embedded in a "main" program.

Renga STDL is based on Lua 5.4.6. It is important to have a basic understanding of Lua in order to create style templates. The official website lua.org provides all the materials necessary for learning Lua.

About JSON

JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write.

Renga STDL uses JSON files to define object style parameters and ports. To create a style template, it is necessary to follow the structure described in the Style Template Structure topic.

About Style Template API

The Style Template API provides classes and functions for creating object geometry, port parameters, and managing object style parameters within the object style editor. The documentation details the classes and functions available within the Style Template API.