You are here: Primary panel commands > Sync

SyncThe Sync menu is provided for collaboration. Collaboration is possible with Renga Professional Edition.

The Sync menu is located on the Primary panel and intended to both send and receive the changes to/from server in collaboration mode.


The Publish command is located on the Sync menu and intended to first publish a project (send it to the server).

In order to publish a project:

  1. On the Primary panel, on the Sync menu select the Publish option .
  2. The data will be uploaded to the server.

For other users to get started, send them the project file and tell them the connection settings, see also Collaboration.


The Sync command is intended to send all the changes to server as well as to receive the current state of the information model from server during collaboration, if the Automatically sync changes option in Settings is unchecked.

In order to sync a project:

  1. On the Primary panel, click the Sync button or press F5 key.
  2. The information model will be synchronized and updated according to the data on the server.
  3. All the changes that were made before synchronization are retained in a local copy on the user's PC, the changes are not visible for the rest participants of the project.

    Sync must be done by the user who made the changes, otherwise the changes will be discarded by the server.

About automatically sync changes, see Collaboration.

Open project journal

The Open project journal command is used to open the user's project journal in the standard Windows Notepad. For more information about project journal, see Collaboration.