You are here: Primary panel commands > Manage styles > Design > Hatches


To upload PAT format hatches to the Renga project:

  1. Click Manage styles – Design – Hatches on the Primary panel.
  2. In the Hatches window click Import hatch .
  3. Select a the hatches file on disk.
  4. Choose a hatch from the collection and set its parameters.

    The PAT file contains hatch templates in ASCII text format. The template can describe the following parameters: the angle of the hatch lines, the distance between the lines, the stroke length, and others.

    To determine the hatch parameters when uploading to a Renga project , you need to know what units of measurement it was created in. The hatch template in the PAT file format does not contain information about units of measurement, but the author could have added this information in the comments. To read the comments, open the PAT file in a text editor.

    If the parameters are set incorrectly when loading, you may get a solid fill when applying hatch. To fix this, load the hatching with other parameters.

  5. Click OK.

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