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Renga Editions

Renga is available in two editions: Renga Standard and Renga Professional.

Feature Comparison


Renga Standard

Renga Professional

Trial mode


Opening an RNP Project

Opening an IFC Project


Working with a project template in RNT Format

Renga building modeling tools

Adding categories of engineering system objects in RST format


Insert from DWG/DXF and PDF

Insert 3DS, LightWave 3D, STL, OBJ, COLLADA, FBX 3D models

Insert from C3D

Insert from ACIS, STEP, Parasolid, IGES, JT, VRML 3D models


Renga documentation tools

Insert title blocks from RTB



CSV Export

RTB Export

DWG, DXF, PDF, OXPS export


C3D Export

ACIS, STEP, Parasolid, JT export


IFC Export


Features that are only available in Renga Professional are marked in the headings or help text as follows: Renga Professional designation.

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