You are here: Primary panel commands > Manage styles > Electrical Systems > Electrical System Parameters

Electrical System Parameters

The Electrical system parameters editor shows all the categories of electrical systems available in Renga.

After configuration of electrical system parameters, Renga will lay electrical lines with specified route height and route offset and will apply the used style.

Electrical System Parameters Configuration

  1. Select the Electrical system parameters option on the Manage styles – Electrical systems menu on the Primary panel.
  2. On the left side of the window, select required electrical system category from the list.
  3. On the right side of the window, specify parameters applicable to route:
  4. Select the applicable electrical circuit line styles that you need to apply to the electrical circuit line.
  5. Set the priority by the Move up and Move down buttons.
  6. Click OK to apply the specified parameters and electrical circuit line style to the selected electrical system category.

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