You are here: Modeling > MEP Design

MEP Design

In Renga you will be able to design pipe systems, duct systems, and electrical systems. Use objects of different categories for design. Define connections between them for automatic route construction. You can edit an automatically constructed route using vertices in 3D View and place the necessary fittings and accessories on them.

There are special tabs for defining connections. These tabs can be opened from the Project Explorer. All engineering objects have ports that define their role in the system:

For an object to appear in the Selected System tab, it must have an end port that matches that system category.

Objects that have only transit ports do not appear in the system tabs.

Designing any engineering system in Renga consists of the following main steps:

  1. Placement of objects on the 3D View or level's plan.
  2. System parameters configuration.
  3. Determining connections between objects in the tab with a system and automatic route generation in a model.
  4. Editing the result in 3D View.
  5. Placement of components on the route.

System groups

In Renga there are the following group of MEP systems:

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