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Route Editing

You can edit an automatically constructed route using vertices in 3D View. At the same time, the objects placed on the route are also changed, for example, the length of pipes. To edit the route, hide the objects placed on it or select the visual style Wireframe for them.

In 3D View, you can edit route parameters:

System style. Defines the designation and color of the system.

Slope. The slope is set for the entire section of the route and defines the location of pipes and ducts on the horizontal segments of the route. The direction of the slope depends on the route building direction, pipes and air ducts are laid from bottom to top in the route building direction.

After editing is complete, place the parts manually or automatically on the route.

The maximum slope is 87.4 %, to set a higher slope edit the route with the handles.

Route Editing by Vertices

  1. Select a segment of route on the 3D view or level plan with the Select tool.
  2. Left-click a vertex on a route or hold the pointer onto the vertex and select the Move option on the shortcut menu appeared.
  3. Specify the new point position or type parameters in the dynamic input fields (see Accurate Construction).

Moving Route Segment

  1. Select a segment of route on the 3D view or level plan with the Select tool.
  2. Left-click a midpoint on a route or hold the pointer onto the vertex and select the Move option on the shortcut menu appeared.
  3. Move the pointer and then fix the vertex position with the left mouse click.

In order for vertices and route segments to be moved, they must have degrees of freedom for movement. Degrees of freedom are limited by branches and objects that form the route. Add vertices to the route to increase the number of degrees of freedom.

Removing and Adding Vertices on Route

    To add a vertex:

    1. Select a segment of route on the 3D view or level plan with the Select tool.
    2. Move the pointer to the midpoint .
    3. Select the Add vertex option.
    4. Left-click to fix the new vertex position.

    To remove a vertex:

    1. Select a segment of route on the 3D view or level plan with the Select tool.
    2. Move the pointer to the vertex .
    3. Select the Remove vertex option.

If a vertex forms a segment that is joined by a branch, the vertex cannot be deleted.

Removing Vertices by Combining

  1. Select a segment of route on the 3D view or level's plan with the Select tool.
  2. Click the vertex on a route with the left mouse click.
  3. Combine the vertex with the nearest vertex on the route.

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