You are here: Objects management > Editing engineering systems > Placing Parts on Route

Placing Parts on Route

The Place parts on route command is intended to place new pipes/ducts and their fittings on routes without changing the route itself. The command is available on the level's plan, 3D view as well as in the Pipe/Duct system tab.

To place parts on route:

  1. In 3D View or in the engineering system tab right-click a piece of route you need to place parts on and select Place parts on route on the shortcut menu.
  2. The command is also available on an engineering system's command panel.

  3. In the System parameters editor, specify parameters of the selected route. Please note that the highlighted section is a Main line.
  4. On the Styles tab, select required styles from the available ones.
  5. Click OK to apply the changes and rebuild the route.

Every route has an arrow indicator that shows the route building direction. The route building irection determines the default direction of the parts.

After placing parts on route, the route will not be changed. The objects placed on these routes will be replaced with the new ones, specified in the pipe or duct system parameters.

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