You are here: Objects management > Editing objects on the route

Editing engineering systems

You can edit an automatically constructed route using vertices in 3D View or commands.

Select in model. Shows a selected object on the 3D view tab.

Rebuild route. Rebuilds a route. Can be used after making changes.

Place parts on route. Automatically places new pipes/ducts and their parts on the route according to the system parameters.

Detach route. Detaches a selected object from a route.

Flip. Changes the direction of building the route.

Hide. Hides a selected object or route.

Isolate. Isolates a selected object or route.

Show All. Shows all the hidden objects and routes.

Arrange. Organizes selected objects according to their location on 3D view. The location depends on the object base level and distance from the origin on the 3D view.

Select. The command is intended to select objects by using filters.

Hide. The command is intended to hide objects by using filters.

Isolate. The command is intended to isolate objects by using filters.

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