You are here: Objects management > Selecting objects

Selecting objects.

Selecting objects with the mouse

To select one object:

  1. On the Tools panel, click the Select tool.
  2. Fix the object by left-clicking the mouse.

To select a few objects:

  1. Select the Select tool .
  2. Select the objects one by one holding CTRL.

To select objects that are on the view of the work plane:

  1. Select the Select tool .
  2. Holding down the left mouse button, select a few objects:
  3. Release the button. The objects have been selected.

To select all objects including closed by other objects:

  1. Select the Select tool .
  2. Press and hold the SHIFT button.
  3. Press and hold the left button of the mouse to select objects by marquee:
  4. Release the button. The objects have been selected.

Selecting objects by frame

Selecting Similar Objects on 3D view

To make the modeling process of similar objects more convenient, Renga allows a user to select similar objects (with the same parameters) on the shortcut menu. The shortcut menu provide you with an easy way to select a group of objects by Select > Similar on level or the Similar in project option.

Similar objects are the objects with the same parameters, although the length and the method of constructing can be different.

To select objects with the same mark, use the Select > With same mark option.

To select similar objects on a level:

  1. Select an object.
  2. Right-click the object to open the shortcut menu.
  3. Click Select > Similar on level.

To select similar objects in the project (at all the levels):

  1. Select an object.
  2. Right-click the object to open the shortcut menu.
  3. Click the Select > Similar in project option.

To select objects with the same mark:

  1. Select one of the objects with the required mark.
  2. Right-click the object to open the shortcut menu.
  3. Click the Select > With same mark option.

If you select the With same mark option on the 3D View tab, all the objects with the specified marks will be selected in the project. If you select the With same mark option on the level tab, all the objects with the specified marks will be selected on the level.

To select objects by certain criteria (with a specific mark or length), use filters.

Selecting Similar Objects in Drawing

To make the modeling process of similar drawing objects more convenient, use the Select similar option.

To select similar objects in the drawing:

  1. Select a similar object.
  2. Right-click the object to open the shortcut menu.
  3. Select the Select Similar command.

Select in model

The command allows to select objects selected in the schedule or on the engineering system tab in the 3D View, for example, to set object property values or copy.

To select objects on the 3D view tab:

  1. Select an object.
  2. Right-click the object and click Select in model on the shortcut menu.

Selecting in System

The command is intended to display selected on the 3D view, level's plan or schedule objects on the MEP system tab.

To display objects on the 3D view tab:

  1. Select required object.
  2. Right-click the object and select Select in system > System category name on the shortcut menu.

Select All

To select all objects in the current tab, press CTRL + A or click the Select All command from the shortcut menu.

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