You are here: Advanced User Topics > Filters


Renga filters allow to select only those model objects that match to the specified criteria. You can apply filter to 3D View, assembly style, view, axonometric view, object in the drawing, schedule or MEP system tab.

To create and edit filters, use Manage styles Filters on the Primary panel.

If there is no suitable filter on the list when work with the schedule, view, axonometric view, object or MEP system you can create your own one. Select the Other option on the filter list.

To create a new filter, do the following:

  1. In the Filters editor, create a new filter by clicking the New filter button.
  2. Set the new filter name.
  3. Add the group in the right part of the window.
  4. Add filter rules to the list based on parameters, properties, quantities or unique ID.

    A group can have several filter rules related to the same type of objects. Objects that match all the rules will be found for one group.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Add one or more groups to select all the necessary objects using a single filter.
  7. Specify the topic to filter. The topic is used to display the filter list in the shortcut menu.
  8. Click OK.

To save changes in the editor, click ОК. To cancel changes, click the Cancel button.

In First Project in Renga you can find the examples how to create filters.

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