You are here: Modeling > Assembly


The Assembly tool is intended to insert into a model a group of objects created in the Assembly style tab.

To insert a new assembly into a model, create the new assembly style:

  1. Open the Project Explorer.
  2. Click the Create New assembly style button.
  3. Set the Assembly style name.

Open the assembly style in Project Explorer. You can also copy and paste an assembly style in the Project Explorer.

Generate assembly style

To generate the assembly style use a set of tools and actions in a special tab.

When you insert objects copied from the 3D View, only those objects will be inserted into the Assembly style that are included in the Assembly style tools and were on the same (lower) level.

Specify Parameters:

  1. On the Tools panel, click the Select tool.
  2. Set Parameters:

    Mark. It appears in the schedules. Necessary for insertion into the drawing.


To assign properties to an assembly style:

  1. Create properties for Assembly styles.
  2. In Assembly style tab right-click to open context menu.
  3. Select the Properties command.
  4. Type a value in the Value text box.
  5. Click OK.

Insert assembly

To insert an assembly into a model or into an assembly style:

  1. Select the Assembly tool.
  2. Specify the following parameters:

    Assembly position relative to axis. Each option on the drop-down list shows how the bounding box of assembly will be located relative to the insertion point on the level's plan or 3D view.

    Assembly horizontal offset. X axis offset relative to insertion point of assembly. It may assume negative values.

    Assembly vertical offset. Y axis offset relative to insertion point of assembly. It may assume negative values.

    Assembly style.

    Precession. Sets up precession angle of the assembly.

    Nutation. Sets up nutation angle of the assembly.

    Spin angle. Sets up spin angle of the assembly.

    Level. It determines the assembly level.

    Vertical offset. Determines the vertical offset of an assembly relatively to the insertion point.

    Mark. Displays the value that was set when generating the assembly style.

  3. Select the assembly insertion point on the working plane.

When trying to insert the same assembly into an assembly, the mouse cursor will be displayed as follows: .

By default, the assembly will be located relative to the axis on the working plane in the same way as it is relative to the origin in the assembly style tab:

All parameters can be changed during the construction process and when editing the assembly in the model. When editing an assembly in an assembly, you cannot change the assembly style. Press ENTER to fix the parameter values.

In order to modify, copy or relocate the created assembly, select it using the Select tool.

To open the assembly style for viewing and editing, do the following:

  1. Right-click the assembly on the 3D view.
  2. On the shortcut menu, click Open.
  3. Edit the assembly style in a new window.

Please note, after editing/deleting style, all the performed changes will be applied to the related assemblies.

To convert the selected assembly to individual objects, use the Disassemble action.

If the Nutation parameter is set, the Disassemble action will not be available.