You are here: Advanced User Topics > Object properties

Object properties

In Renga you can create and set own properties for all model objects and their styles, as well as for project, site, building, drawings, schedules and tables.

You can use Object Properties:

In order to create a new property, select the Manage Styles Object Properties on the Primary panel.

There are two tabs in the Object Properties editor.

  1. The Object type properties tab is designed to create new and add existing properties to the selected object type, and set expressions for properties.
  2. The All properties tab is designed to create new properties and edit existing property names for all objects. In addition, in the All properties tab, you can see what object types a property is assigned to, and edit the values of the Enumeration data type properties.

Adding a property

To create a new property do following for a specified type of object:

  1. On the Object type properties tab, on the list of object types, select an object type you need to create a new property for.
  2. On the right side of the window, click the Add property button.
  3. Select the Create new property option in the Add property window.
  4. Set a name of the property.
  5. Select a data type, for details see Data type.
  6. If you want to Export the value of the properties in the CSV, select the appropriate options.
  7. Click OK.

Do not create a new property, if another object has the same property, add an existing one. If the properties have the same names, but different identifiers, then they are different properties.

To add already created a property for an object type, consider the following:

  1. Select the object type for which to create a new property in the list of the Object type properties tab.
  2. On the right side of the window, click the Add property button.
  3. Switch to the Add existing property option in the Add property window.
  4. Select the property from the list.
  5. If you want to Export the value of the properties in the CSV, select the appropriate options.
  6. Click OK.

The values of the created properties are assigned in the object context menu and in the schedule. If the property is created for an object style or a material, you can set its values in the Properties tab of the corresponding editor. In addition, you can set an expression that defines a value.

In Renga Object properties editor, all object types correspond to the object types that are available when modeling, but there are the following exceptions to getting all data from the model:

Setting an expression

To set an expression for a property:

  1. On the Object Type Properties tab, select an object type.
  2. In the right side of the window, select the property you want to set an expression and click the Change property... button.
  3. In the Change property window check Set expression for Property
  4. Set the expression according to the Data Type.
  5. Click OK.

If an object property is assigned a value, the expression will not be applied. Delete the value for automatic calculation.

Expressions set for object properties are not saved when objects, schedules, and drawings are inserted into another project.

Exporting properties to IFC

To export a property to IFC4, there have to be a corresponding entry in the parameter mapping file. The properties described in IFC Export do not need to be entered into the parameter mapping file. They will be taken into account during export automatically.

Deleting a property

In order to remove an object property, do the following:

  1. On the Object type properties tab, select the type of an object the property should be removed of.
  2. Select a property.
  3. Click the Remove property button.

The removed property is not removed from All properties tab. If necessary, you can add it back.

Please note, after editing/deleting properties in the editor, when you confirm the deletion, all the performed changes will be applied to the related objects permanently.

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