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IFC ExportIFC Export is available in Renga Professional.

The IFC Export command makes it possible to obtain a model made in Renga as IFC format for subsequent data exchange.

IFC is a data format with an open specification developed by buildingSMART (International Alliance for Interoperability, IAI) to simplify cooperation in the construction industry. The IFC format is supported by most software designers.

IFC4 format model file is saved in the folder specified by the user.

Data is exported according to user-defined settings.

In Renga, the default IFC export settings are according to the Reference View.

Mapping files

Before exporting to IFC4 format, make sure that the IFC4 export settings are specified in Settings – Export:

Mapping files are JSON files that can be opened in any text editor. All attributes that are available in IFC format can be found in the description of the IFC4 specification provided by buildingSMART.

The mapping files specified in the settings by default are located in the Renga installation folder/ IFCMap .

To get the right IFC-file, you can edit the files offered by default, or select others, but the document structure has to be unchanged. We recommend to create copies of the source file for different export purposes. Set the value of the first entry in the parameter mapping file to export the model from Renga to IFC during copy creation.

To ensure that the exported IFC result is independent of the interface language and category/property naming, unique identifiers can be used for object types, categories, object styles, parameters, properties, and quantities in the mapping files. You can get the the object category and style IDs using the schedule.

Geometric representation of objects

Find out what types of geometric representations can be read by the another work system before exporting to IFC4 format. Set the export settings according to your knowledge.

Only one geometric representation will correspond to the object in the exported IFC file. Objects will be exported to the IFC file according to the requirements of the standard and to the specified settings in order of priority:


ParameterizedProfile → ... → ArbitraryClosedProfile


AdvancedBrep → FacetedBrep


PolygonalFaceSet → TriangulatedFaceSet

If an object can be exported as a SweptSolid ParameterizedProfile according to the IFC4 specification and the corresponding representation is checked, then it will be exported as a parametric profile. If the checkbox is unchecked, the system searches for the next match. If no matches are found, i.e. all matching boxes are unchecked, then the geometric representation will not be exported.

To export objects that may contain openings as SweptSolid, uncheck the Export "Body" openings and holes as "Reference" option. If this option is checked the geometric representation of objects with openings includes a openings and holes geometry description when exporting to IFC.

Uncheck the Split objects with layered materials into parts option to not splitting objects.

To export objects without taking into account cutting and the shapes of beam end faces, enable the Export geometric representation without cutting option and disable Approximate curves with lines and arcs, Export "Body" openings and holes as "Reference", and Split objects with layered materials.

Redefining objects

If you use a Renga tool that does not match the object's type in the real world when creating an object, you can redefine the object type when exporting the model from Renga to IFC.

There are 2 ways to redefine objects:

Redefining objects with a Type Mapping File

To redefine all objects of the same type:

  1. In the Type mapping file map the objects and object styles to the IFC types.
    For example, to redefine all columns to piles:
    1. Remove the IfcColumn and IfcColumnType entries from the type mapping file.
    2. Add the following entries to the type mapping file: "IfcPile": ["Column"], "IfcPileType": ["Column style"]
  2. Modify the Parameter mapping file so the properties relate to the new object type.

Redefining objects with special properties

To redefine an object using special properties:

  1. Create properties for the selected object type and for the object style:


    Data type




    The property needed to redefine the object type. The value have to contain the name of the type described in the IFC4 specification and can include a predefined type, for example IfcMechanicalFastener.BOLT.



    The property is set only if the user has specified the predefined type USERDEFINED in the object properties.



    The property is set only if the user has specified the predefined type USERDEFINED in the object's style properties.



    Used to specify the short name or number of the object.



    Used to specify the full name of the object.



    Matches to the Mark object parameter.



    Object Description.

  2. Select an object. Assign the values of the properties.
  3. Modify the Parameter mapping file so the properties relate to the new object type.

If the object has a style, then special properties have to be assigned to the object and its style, when redefining, see Redefining object type examples.

If the object is redefined using special properties, the Type mappings file settings are not taken into account when exporting the IFC.

In addition, you can use the special IfcLayer property to define an object layer if you want it to differ from the layer specified in the Objects to layer mapping file.

Placing a building on a site

To place a building on a site when exporting to IFC, create special properties for a building or site and set their values in the Project Information:


Data type




The coordinates define the placement of the origin of the Renga project on the site.







Euler angles define the position of a building in in three dimensional Cartesian space. To rotate the building in the XOY plane, set the precession angle (IfcDirectionPrecession).





Export Error Log

Export log file will be saved with the IFC file. It may contain the following errors:

Invalid IfcEntityType value

Error in the IFC class writing.

Invalid value of the "PredefinedType" attribute

Error in a predefined type writing.

Impossible to assign LongName to this object

An error may be caused if the full name is assigned to an object, and IFC does not provide such an attribute for the selected object type.

Value mapping file was parsed with error

Syntax error in the type mapping type, parameter mapping file or objects to layer mapping file.