You are here: Advanced User Topics > Schedule


A Renga Schedule is a representation of a model in a tabular format. The schedule is generated using the add and edit column commands. The schedule cells are filled automatically with the values of the selected object parameters, properties, and quantities when adding the column. Parameters or properties in cells can be edited. By doing this, the data in the model will also change.

Create schedule

In order to create a new schedule, do following:

  1. Click Open Project Explorer.
  2. Click the Create New Schedule button.
  3. Enter the schedule's name.

In order to open the schedule in the Project Explorer, left-click its thumbnail. You can also copy and paste a schedule in the Project Explorer. When copying a schedule to another project, the object properties and the filters are copied with the schedule.

When you insert a schedule into another project, expressions set for object properties are not saved.

Generate schedule

The schedule is created using the commands for adding and editing columns, which are automatically filled with the values of the selected parameters, properties and quantities.

Formate schedule

Formatting schedule is executed using following Parameters from panel:

Row border.

Schedule column border.

Outside border. Defines the outer borders of the schedule header line, as well as the outer borders of the schedule value area.

Filter. It allows to create the schedule only for those model objects that match the specified criteria.


Current view of schedule. It allows you to turn off the display schedule headers and schedule column headers and also aggregate identical records into one row and display assemblies content.

Grouping items in the schedule. Groups the schedule data by the selected schedule column so that the values of this schedule column are converted to the group headers.


In order to sort the grouped elements use the Ascending/ Descending options on the Group by menu.

Sorting items in the schedule. It allows you to sort the schedule data in ascending or descending on the selected schedule column.


The column elements that the values are sorted cannot be grouped. To group, sort the values by another column.

The header of the schedule is not framed by borders. You can not assign border parameters to only one row or the schedule column.

To format headers, schedule columns and total row of schedule, use Format panel.

Font Family.

Font Size.

Font Style.

Horizontal alignment.

Vertical alignment.

Schedule column width.

Filling windows

Row height.

To add a designation in the schedule header, place the cursor in the header cell, open the context menu and select Symbol.

If you format the header or total row, the format rules are applied to each cell separately.

If you format the group header, the format rules are applied to all the group headers.

If you format the schedule cell with values, the format rules are applied to the whole column the cell belongs to.

Editing object parameters and properties

Parameters or properties in cells can be edited. By doing this, the data in the model will also change. When data from more than one object is combined in a single cell, the data from all of the objects is updated.

To change data in the cells:

  1. In the window that opens, double-click the cell where you want to enter text.
  2. Enter the text. To break lines when working with values of the String data type, press CTRL+ENTER.
  3. To finish editing, press ENTER.

Editing is not possible for all cells. The following data is not available for editing:

Adding schedule properties

In Renga, user can set the schedule properties that were created in the Object Properties editor.

  1. On the Commands panel, click the Edit schedule column command
  2. Type a value in the Value text box.
  3. Click OK.

Inserting Schedule in Drawing

In order to insert created schedule in a drawing, do the following:

  1. In the Project Explorer, open the drawing you want to paste the schedule in.
  2. On the Tools panel, click the Schedule tool.
  3. On the Parameters panel, select a schedule on the list.
  4. Select the schedule insertion point in the drawing.

In order to open the schedule for editing in the drawing, do following:

  1. Right-click the schedule in the drawing.
  2. Select Open in the context menu.
  3. Edit the schedule in a new window.