You are here: Modeling > Materials > Materials


You may apply Material to the following objects in Renga:

Also you can apply Material to the following styles:

Material is assigned either in the Material parameter of the mentioned above tools or on the Parameters tab in the Style editor of the object. When selecting a material style, you can create a new material if there is no suitable one in the suggested list. Select the Other option in the list of materials.

In addition, materials are used to compose layered materials of walls, floors and roofs as well.

To create and edit materials, use Manage styles Materials on the Primary panel.

  1. In the Materials editor, create a new material by clicking the New Material button .
  2. Set the new material name.
  3. On the Parameters tab, set material parameters.
  4. On the Hatches tab, define hatches.

    Please note, the Hatch angle property changes the default value of the hatch texture inclination to the specified Hatch angle value.

    If you don't see a appropriate hatch in the list, you can upload an additional one using Manage styles – Design – Hatches.

  5. In the Textures tab, if necessary, specify an image file in PNG or JPEG format. Set the parameters of its display on Renga objects.

    The texture will be displayed if the selected Visual style is Textured.

    The maximum texture size is 512x512 pixels. If a larger image is specified, it will be compressed for display.

  6. On the Properties tab, you may set values of properties, created in the Object properties editor.
  7. Click OK.

To save changes in the editor, click ОК. To cancel changes, click the Cancel button.

Please note, after editing/deleting styles, by clicking OK, all the performed changes will be applied to the related objects permanently.