You are here: Primary panel commands > Manage styles > Reinforcement > Reinforcement unit styles

Reinforcement unit styles

In the Reinforcement units editor, you can create following reinforcement units: reinforcing meshes and reinforcing cages. The created reinforcement units are used in the Reinforcement styles.

Reinforcing meshes and cages can be inserted into a drawing with Object tool if they are assigned to a mark.

To create or edit reinforcement unit styles, use Manage styles – Reinforcement – Reinforcement unit styles on the Primary panel.

In order to create a new reinforcement unit style, do following:

  1. Select from the list of what type of object you want to create reinforcing mesh or cage in the left part of the Reinforcement units dialog window.
  2. Create a new style by clicking the New reinforcement unit style button.
  3. Set the parameters of the reinforcement unit in the right part of the window.
  4. On the Properties tab, you may set values of properties, created in the Object properties editor.
  5. Click OK.

Please note, after editing/deleting rebar styles in the editor, by clicking ОК, all the performed changes will be applied to reinforcement styles permanently.

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