You are here: Primary panel commands > Manage styles > Reinforcement > Reinforcement styles

Reinforcement styles

In Renga the following objects possess the Reinforcement style parameter:

The rebar style is applied in the Rebar style of the object's Parameter.

If the offered reinforcement styles' list contains no suitable style, you can create your own style. Select the Other option on the reinforcement styles' list.

In addition, to create and edit reinforcement style, the Reinforcement styles command may be called in the Manage styles – Reinforcement menu on Primary panel.

At the same time before reinforcement style creation, please select the Object type for which the reinforcement will be created.

  1. In the Reinforcement styles editor, create a new style by clicking the New reinforcement style button.
  2. Set the new style name.
  3. Set the reinforcement method and structure in the right part of the window.
  4. Then set other reinforcement parameters.
  5. If there are no suitable styles in the rebar, meshes or cages lists, create new one in the Rebar styles and Reinforcement unit styles editors.

  6. Click OK.

An individual set of parameters is defined for each object type. Reinforcement parameters for each object type depend on the selected Method and Structure of reinforcement.

Please note, after editing/deleting styles, by clicking OK, all the performed changes will be applied to the related objects permanently.

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