You are here: Modeling > Isolated foundation

Isolated foundation

The Isolated foundation tool enables creation of foundations:



In order to create an isolated foundation:

  1. On the Tools panel, click the Isolated foundation tool.
  2. Select the foundation shape.
  3. Set foundation parameters:
  4. Foundation height.

    Foundation width top.

    Foundation depth top.

    Foundation width.

    Foundation depth.

    Foundation rotation angle. The rotation angle of foundation in relation to the coordinates' axis.

    Level. Determines the foundation level.

    Vertical offset. Determines the vertical offset of an isolated foundation relatively to the insertion point.


    Reinforcement style.

    Mark. It appears in the schedules. Necessary for insertion into the drawing.

  5. Select the foundation insertion point on the working plane.

All the above-mentioned parameters may be modified both in the process of object construction and editing. Press ENTER to fix the parameter values.

All the universal operations are available for creating foundations.

In order to modify, copy or relocate a foundation having been created, select it using the Select tool.