You are here: Modeling > Rebar > Rebar styles

Rebar styles

Rebar style determines the diameter, reinforcement grade and material of the rebar, The created rebar styles are used in the Reinforcement unit styles, Reinforcement styles, Connection reinforcement styles as well as with the Rebar.

To create or edit rebar styles, you may use Manage styles – Reinforcement – Rebar styles on the Primary panel.

When using Rebar tool, you can create a new rebar style if there is no suitable one in the suggested list. Select the Other option on the list of rebars.

In order to create a new rebar style:

  1. Click New rebar style in the Rebar styles editor.
  2. On the right side of the window, set the parameters: Materials can be used for color indication of rebars of different styles.
  3. When creating the Rebar style, please, note that if there is no suitable grade in the list, you can create a new grade.

    Similarly, if there is not a suitable material in the material list, you can create a new material in the Material Editor.

  4. On the Properties tab, you may set values of properties, created in the Object properties editor.
  5. Click OK.

Please note, after editing/deleting rebar styles in the editor, by clicking ОК, all the performed changes will be applied to reinforcement unit styles, connections reinforcement styles, connections reinforcement styles permanently.

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