You are here: Modeling > Door


The Door tool is intended to create door apertures with door fillings within walls.

Door apertures may be one of the following shapes:

Rectangular aperture.

Arch aperture.

Semi-arch aperture.

Semi-trapezoidal aperture.

Trapezoidal aperture.

In order to create a door:

  1. On the Tools panel, click the Door tool.
  2. Select the door aperture shape.
  3. Specify the door parameters::

    Door height.

    Door width.

    Door arc/trapezium height.

    Level. Determines the door level.

    Vertical offset. Determines the vertical offset of a door relatively to the insertion point.

    Door style.

    Door position. При расположении Вдоль стены проём повторяет форму стены и позволяет создавать радиусные двери.

    Стиль армирования. Reinforcement style is used for strengthening the walls in the door aperture places.

    Mark. It appears in the schedules. Necessary for insertion into the drawing.

  4. If the door style is defined, specify its parameters:
  5. Door orientation.

    Door depth.

  6. Select the point of door installation in the wall.

Parameters may be modified both in the construction and editing processes. Press ENTER to fix the parameter values.

All the universal operations are available for creation of doors.

In order to modify, copy or relocate a door having been created, select it using the Select tool. To change door orientation use the Flip command in the context menu.

Смотрите такжеSee also