You are here: Objects management > Flipping objects

Flipping objects

Renga provides to flip following elements:

  1. Wall. Layered material mirror flips about baseline.
  2. Beam. Beam mirror flips about baseline.
  3. Window. Window filling, including outward sill and sill mirror flips about baseline.
  4. Door. Door filling mirror flips about baseline.
  5. Stair. Changes up/down stair direction (direction of baseline).
  6. Ramp. Changes up/down stair direction (direction of baseline).
  7. Wall foundation. Wall foundation mirror flips about baseline.
  8. Section. Changes view direction.
  9. Route. Changes the direction of building the route.
  10. Pipe. Flips a pipe on a route.
  11. Pipe accessory. Flips the duct accessory on a route.
  12. Pipe fitting. Flips the duct fitting on a route.
  13. Duct. Flips the duct on a route.
  14. Duct accessory. Flips the duct accessory on a route.
  15. Duct fitting. Flips the duct fitting on a route.

In order to flip object:

  1. Select an object.
  2. Right-click to open the context menu.
  3. Click the Flip option.

For Route, the Flip command is also available on the Commands panel, on the MEP systems tab.

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