You are here: Modeling > Stair


The Stair tool includes the following methods of constructing flights of stairs:

Line by specifying two points;

Arc by specifying three points;

Arc by specifying start, center, end points.

When creating a stair, the construction modes can be combined.

Stair parameters:

Stair position relative to baseline.

Stair horizontal offset. Can take negative values.

Stair height.

Stair width.

Number of steps.

Tread depth (determined automatically by the preset settings);

Riser height (determined automatically by the preset settings);

Slope (determined automatically by the preset settings);

Stair shape. Defines contour, thickened or solid staircase.

Stair thickness. Defines the thickness of risers and steps for contour stairs, the thickness of solid stairs, the thickness of steps for open staircase.

Level. Determines the stair level.

Vertical offset. It determines the elevation mark of stair in relation to the level.


Mark. The parameter is used to insert objects into a drawing.

Parameters may be modified both during stair construction and when editing. Press ENTER to fix the parameter values.

Press the ENTER key to finish the construction of the stair.

The stair slope angle, tread depth and riser height are automatically calculated depending on length, height, number of steps and flights of stair.

All the universal operations are available for the stair construction.

To snap any objects to the stair, use one of the snap lines: left, center, right.

In order to select the snap line, move the mouse cursor to its expected position.

Any stair cuts off the walls and floors that are located under it. If the stair only partially intersects an object whose elevation is higher, then the object will not be cut off.

In order to modify, copy or relocate created stair, select them using the Select tool. To switch the stair direction (up/down), use the Flip option on the shortcut menu.

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