You are here: Modeling > Plate


The Platetool is intended to add flat sheet elements into the model.

In order to create a plate, do the following:

  1. On the Tools panel, click the Plate tool.
  2. Specify the plate parameters:
  3. Plate position relative to axis. Each option on the drop-down list shows how the plate will be located relative to the insertion point on the level's plan or 3D view.

    Plate horizontal offset. X axis offset relative to insertion point of the plate. Can take negative values.

    Plate vertical offset. Z axis offset relative to insertion point of the plate. Can take negative values.

    Plate style. Defines the shape, width and length of the plate.

    Plate thickness.

    Precession. Sets up precession angle of the plate.

    Nutation. Sets up nutation angle of the plate.

    Spin angle. Sets up spin angle of the plate.

    Level Determines the plate's level.

    Vertical offset. Determines the plate's elevation mark in relation to the insertion point.


    Mark. It appears in the schedules. Necessary for insertion into the drawing.

  4. Specify an insertion point on the work plane.

All the above-mentioned parameters may be modified both in the construction and editing processes. Press ENTER to fix the parameter values.

Use Euler angles (Precession, Nutation, Spin angle) to set up an object position.

All the universal operations are available when working with plates. In order to modify, copy or move an object having been inserted, select it by the Select tool.