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Assigning property values

In Renga, you can set properties created in the Object Properties editor by using the Properties window in the object context menu or by using the Schedule.

To set a value of an object property in a Properties window:

  1. Select the object or group of objects.
  2. Right-click to open the context menu.
  3. Select the Properties option.
  4. If the selected group of objects does not have common properties, the Properties dialog window will be empty. If the properties have the same names, but different identifiers, then they are different properties. For more information, see Object properties.

  5. Type a value in the Value text box.
  6. Click OK.

Valid values are defined by the specified data type.

In Renga Object properties editor, all object types correspond to the object types that are available when modeling, but there are the following exceptions to getting all data from the model:

To set a value of an object style property:

  1. Open the style editor.
  2. Select a style.
  3. Go to the Properties tab and set the property values.

To set a value of an object property in a Schedule:

  1. In the window that opens, double-click the cell where you want to enter text.
  2. Enter the text. To break lines when working with values of the String data type, press CTRL+ENTER.
  3. To finish editing, press ENTER.

The specified properties can be used for CSV export if the appropriate options were selected in the Object Properties window. To export a property to IFC4, there have to be a corresponding entry in the parameter mapping file.

In order to create a new object property, use Manage Styles Object Properties on the Primary panel.

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