You are here: Modeling > Materials > Layered materials

Layered Materials

In Renga layered materials can be applied to walls, floors and roofs.

When selecting a layered material of the wall, floor or roof, you can create a new layered material if there is no suitable one in the suggested list. Select the Other option in the list of the layered materials.

In addition, to create and edit layered materials of walls, floors and roofs, a command may use Manage Styles - Layered material.

  1. In the Layered materials editor, select the Object type (wall, floor or roof) you need to create the material for.
  2. Create a new material by clicking the New layered material button.
  3. Set the new material name.
  4. In the right-hand part of the window, select a material for the basic layer, create new layers and set their parameters.
  5. On the Properties tab, you may set values of properties, created in the Object properties editor.
  6. Click OK.

Base layer thickness cannot be set - it is calculated in accordance of thickness of the object and other layers. Thus, if there is only one layer, its thickness is equal to the object thickness.

In order to assign only one material to a layered object, select the material for the base layer.

In order to add a layer:

  1. On the right side of the window, click New layer .
  2. Select a material on the list and set its thickness.

    If there is no suitable material on the list, create a new one in the Materials Editor.

In order to add a layer just like the existing one, select the layer and click Duplicate Layer .

To delete a layer, select it and click Delete Layer. The basic layer cannot be deleted.

In order to arrange layers in the required order, move them by the Move Layer Up and Move Layer Down buttons.

To save changes in the editor, click ОК. To cancel changes, click the Cancel button.

Please note, after editing/deleting styles in the editor, by clicking OK, all the performed changes will be applied to the related objects permanently.