You are here: Advanced User Topics > Object properties > Data type

Data type

When creating object properties the Data type field defines the values that the property can accept.

Data type

Valid value


Expression example


Real number

Double or formula

Door style.Lining depth/Door style.Material.Thermal conductivity



Integer or formula

ceil(Nominal length)


Internal data is stored as a string of characters.

References and formulas in curly brackets, any characters

{Beam style.Name}x{Cross section overall height}x{Cross section overall width}


The value in millimeters

Number of formula

Number of steps*Tread depth


The value in square meters

Number of formula

Net floor area*0.5


The value in cubic meters

Number of formula

Net volume*1.1


The value in kilograms

Number of formula

Net mass+Total mass of reinforcing bars


The value in decimal degrees

Number of formula

asind((Object baseline top elevation-Object baseline bottom elevation)/Nominal length)



Formula with the result 0 - No, 1-Yes

(Wall thickness>300) ? 1 : 0






A value from a list created by the user. To create a list of suggested values, enter it in the enumeration Values field. Press ENTER to separate the values.



The data type can not be changed when you edit the properties. If an expression is set for a property, its result must match the data type.

To change the list of values of the Enumeration type:

  1. In the All Properties tab, select the property and click Edit Property... .
  2. Change the list of values.
  3. Click OK.
  4. After that, you will be prompted to update the values of the properties assigned to the objects. To discard the changes, click Cancel.

When creating schedules and legends, as well as when working with a tag, the values of length, volume, and mass specified in the object properties can be converted to other units of measurement in the metric system.

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