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In Renga when composing expressions for object properties, as well as preparing title blocks for layout styles and filling title block, you can use references to the values of parameters, properties, and quantites.

A reference is the name of a parameter, property, or quantity that is specified in the Renga interface.

The full list of parameters, properties, and quantities for each model object type and their names you can see when adding the schedule column. You can use a unique ID of a parameter, property, or quantity as a reference. It has to be written in quotes, for example, "a4617591-6bcd-4322-ba73-67f011658930". Unique property IDs are specified in the Object Properties window , and unique IDs of parameters and quantities are specified in the Renga API help (Parameters and Quantites).

References in title blocks

You can use references to the data values of the Project Information and Drawing parameters, when preparing the title block for layout styles or filling out the title block. The reference in the title block must be written in curly brackets {}.

References are automatically replaced with the values of the specified parameters or properties.

To set a reference to the value of a Project, Site, or Building parameter or property, write the parameter or property name in curly brackets {} as follows {Project/Site/Building.Parameter/Property name}. The name of the parameter or property must match the name in the Project Information editor. For example, {Site.Site address}.

To set a reference to a value of a drawing Name, Number, parameter or property, write its name in curly brackets {}.

A single cell can have multiple references.

References in String type properties

An expression can be composed In the String type object property. When composing an expression in the String type object property , you can use references to the object parameters, properties, quantities as well as references to the data values of the Project Information. The reference must be written in curly brackets {}.

References in formulas

When composing a formula, references are used as variables. You can use references to the values of number parameters, properties, and quantities of the object, as well as to the values of number properties of the Project, Site, and Building.