You are here: Advanced User Topics > Preparing and filling out the title block

Preparing the title block

In the Renga table you can prepare a title block for layout styles.

To prepare a title block:

  1. Create a new table.
  2. Add the needed number of rows/columns.
  3. Set the borders.
  4. Enter the text in the cells that should remain unchanged when filling out the title block.

    When preparing a title block you can compose in a cell an expression consisting references to the Project Information and Drawing parameters and formulas in curly brackets {}, as well as any characters. For example: {Project.Project name} {Site.Site Address}

  5. Set the formatting of all cells. This formatting will be used when filling out the title block.
  6. Export the title block to RTB format.

Filling out the title block

To fill the form specified in the layout style in the drawing:

  1. Click on the title block on the sheet by left-click.
  2. In the window that opens, double-click the cell where you want to enter text.
  3. Enter the text.
  4. Click OK.

In the Project Template, default title blocks use references to Project Information. The required information appears in the cells when you fill the Project Information.

When filling in the cells, use the context menu commands to insert the Symbol, as well as Cut (CTRL+X), Copy (CTRL+C), Paste (CTRL+V), Delete (DEL).

The formatting that was set when preparing the title block is used, when filling out the title block. The text added to the title block during preparation cannot be changed when filling out the title block.

When filling in the title block cells, you can use formulas and references in curly brackets {}, as well as any characters.

If you change the layout style, the text entered in the title block in the drawing will be deleted.

Changing the title block

To change the prepared title block:

  1. Open the Project Explorer.
  2. Insert RTB.
  3. Edit the form according to the requirements.
  4. Export the RTB.
  5. Change the title block in the layout style.

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