You are here: Primary panel commands > Manage styles > Design > Layout Styles

Layout Styles

In Renga using the Layout style on a page, you can add a border with a specified line width and margins and title blocks.

Select Layout style in the page parameters. When selecting a layout style, you can create a new style if there is no suitable one in the suggested list. Select the Other option in the list of layout styles.

In addition, to create and edit layout styles, you may use Manage styles – Design – Layout styles on the Primary panel.

In order to create a new style:

  1. In the Layout styles editor, click New Layout Style .
  2. Set a new name of the style.
  3. In the right side of the window, set the width of the border lines and margins.
  4. Next to the list of title blocks, click the Set Title Block... button to select a title block file in RTB format on disk.

    If there is no appropriate title block prepare it using the Renga table.

    If the title block contains references to Project/Site/Building or Drawing properties that are not present in the project, the value will not be found and the reference will not be saved. Add the property, and then add the title block again.

  5. Set the title block position on the sheet taking into account the size of the title block and the specified margins.

    Note that the offset defines the position of the bottom-left corner of the title block relative to the selected corner of the sheet, the offset can be negative.

  6. Add other title blocks and set its position.
  7. Click OK.

To save changes in the editor, click ОК. Click the Cancel button to exit without saving.

When changing/deleting styles in the editor, keep in mind that if you click ОК, all pages in which these styles are used will be changed irrevocably.

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