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Project Template

The New project command on the Start page launch a new project. A new project is always created from the template where there are lists of prepared properties, styles and materials.

If necessary, the template can be edited by adding necessary properties, styles and materials.

To edit the predefined template and add the necessary styles:

  1. Run Renga as Administrator.
  2. Click the Open... command on the Start page.
  3. On the list of file extensions, select the Renga Templates(*.rnt) option.
  4. In the installation folder\Template\normal_en_US.rnt, select a template file.
  5. Make the required changes.
  6. Save the file.

If normal_en_US.rnt file is missing in the installation folder, the project will be created without any predefined styles.

In order to create a new template file:

  1. Create new project.
  2. Make the required changes.
  3. On the Primary panel, click the Save project button and select the Save project as option.
  4. Set position and template name.
  5. Select the Renga Templates (*.rnt) option.
  6. Click Save.

You can open template file to edit from Windows Explorer or another file manager:

  1. Right click the file with *.rnt extension.
  2. Select Edit command in the context menu.
  3. Make the required changes and save file.

To create a new project based on your template with Windows Explorer or any other file manager:
