Quantity identifiers


const GUID Area = {025f4cef-7b6d-45d9-99e6-2cd851306e03}
 The area of an object. For windows and doors it equals the area of the cross section along the center line.
const GUID Count = {ca9715c4-6111-4fb7-a159-2405f5a0bb92}
 The number of details.
const GUID CrossSectionOverallHeight = {c1e657ad-9dfe-4b17-84dc-5a0802498536}
 The overall cross section (or profile) height of an object.
const GUID CrossSectionOverallWidth = {2952d91e-bc58-4a94-832b-f583c22efb44}
 The overall cross section (or profile) width of an object.
const GUID GlazingArea = {11e1deb2-2030-4f37-b633-3a7ae162437a}
 The area of all glasses of the window or door.
const GUID GrossArea = {69b66c34-d411-422d-bd4a-cac3f6846fd8}
 The gross area of an object or a layer. For a roof it equals all exterior roof slab surfaces.
const GUID GrossCeilingArea = {3e5395c2-5f6b-4d58-8349-1419a29a47b9}
 The gross ceiling area of a room, including the area covered by elements inside the room (openings, stairs, columns, etc.).
const GUID GrossCrossSectionArea = {b38f4236-165a-45ab-8b96-ec0175343404}
 Area of the cross section, including interior space.
const GUID GrossFloorArea = {89ab9b57-91b1-4f4a-9a45-9c935882231d}
 The gross floor area of an object. For a room it equals the sum of all floor areas covered by the room. It normally includes the area covered by elements inside the room (columns, inner walls, etc.).
const GUID GrossMass = {e074e28b-0537-4e37-845a-c7315843ee73}
 The gross mass of an object or a layer, excluding any processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or openings and recesses.
const GUID GrossPerimeter = {eb5bd744-3c80-46a2-b491-2ca4f11dd13d}
 The gross perimeter of an object. For a room it equals the gross perimeter at the floor level of the room, i.e. all sides of the room, including the perimeter parts that are created by virtual boundaries and openings.
const GUID GrossSideArea = {0003e98a-a2f7-4477-89c9-3e9ef6533be3}
 The gross area along the center line of an object or a layer, excluding any processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or openings and recesses.
const GUID GrossSideAreaLeft = {269e7b41-3dd9-42d1-b0d0-074e89a3a283}
 The gross area along the extreme left line of an object or a layer, excluding any processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or openings and recesses.
const GUID GrossSideAreaRight = {9c34e7be-27f7-4950-a51d-dc2d5da8f3e8}
 The gross area along the extreme right line of an object or a layer, excluding any processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or openings and recesses.
const GUID GrossVolume = {da41f09a-0e02-40c7-9547-2a0f55b60078}
 The gross volume of an object. For a room it includes all areas enclosed by the room (normally including the volume of construction elements inside the room).
const GUID GrossWallArea = {4144973d-c4b7-4f11-ab48-8794c9beae43}
 The gross wall area of a room. It equals the sum of all perpendicular covering areas in a space that are considered without subtraction of openings (windows, doors, stairs, etc.).
const GUID InnerSurfaceArea = {a5ca8dfb-13c6-408c-a1c0-61e67026b36b}
 The area of the inner surface of an object. For holes it equals the area of the faces of an object (or objects) formed by cutting out the hole.
const GUID InnerSurfaceExternalArea = {7a643dc2-5524-489d-97b3-7011dcbfff48}
 The area of the inner surface of the window or door that is exterior relative to the frame i.e. the area of the faces of the wall (or walls) formed by cutting out the window that are exterior relative to the center line of the frame.
const GUID InnerSurfaceInternalArea = {1201a2e0-bfb7-4b28-88f6-923571972890}
 The area of the inner surface of a window or a door that is interior relative to the frame i.e. the area of the faces of the wall (or walls) formed by cutting out the window that are interior relative to the center line of the frame.
const GUID NetArea = {0aab4bb0-4645-48d6-9dcb-2aca48577e47}
 The total top surface area of an object or a layer, excluding any processing features (openings, cut-outs, etc.) or recesses.
const GUID NetCeilingArea = {e6265c5c-7692-49bd-b7a1-0a5f452feedd}
 The net ceiling area of a room, excluding the area covered by elements inside the room (openings, stairs, columns, etc.).e6265c5c-7692-49bd-b7a1-0a5f452feedd.
const GUID NetCrossSectionArea = {5f1efe77-5e2e-450a-a426-efef5b346ecc}
 Area of the cross section, excluding the interior space.
const GUID NetFloorArea = {ea60d526-b527-4896-8e4c-c84a8462b3cc}
 The net floor area of an object.
const GUID NetFootprintArea = {65bf3096-b610-4fb0-b603-9e1fd5c21095}
 The net footprint area of an object or a layer, excluding any processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or recesses.
const GUID NetMass = {f9230d52-3d8d-42f0-b498-5f8037610c01}
 The total net mass of an object or a layer, taking into account possible processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or openings and recesses.
const GUID NetPerimeter = {3560988c-ca06-4028-a821-726bab038536}
 The net perimeter of an object. Usually is used to determine the length of a skirting board.
const GUID NetSideArea = {6d692b46-fc72-4696-a55e-1d3469aa9d8e}
 The area of the cross-section along the center line of an object or a layer, taking into account possible processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or openings and recesses.
const GUID NetSideAreaLeft = {015076c9-4040-45a0-87be-fa4124f6cd4e}
 The area of the cross-section along the extreme left line of an object or a layer, taking into account possible processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or openings and recesses.
const GUID NetSideAreaRight = {23e7d323-fc29-4b06-8ce7-1bcd2a20f029}
 The area of the cross-section along the extreme right line of an object or a layer, taking into account possible processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or openings and recesses.
const GUID NetVolume = {043401f3-0b2f-402a-aca0-826436822405}
 The total net volume of an object or a layer, taking into account possible processing features (cut-outs, etc.) or openings and recesses.
const GUID NetWallArea = {c2975e1e-3293-4ad1-8136-316d191b75cc}
 The net wall area of a room. It equals the sum of all perpendicular covering areas in a space that are considered with subtraction of openings (windows, doors, stairs, etc.).
const GUID NominalArea = {fb351198-1a4f-4815-953e-177c17e7641c}
 The nominal area of an object (for Ramp and Stair it is equal to their horizontal projection).
const GUID NominalHeight = {e8f1a615-3b0c-401c-ad1f-7526f2f073e2}
 The nominal height of an object or a layer.
const GUID NominalLength = {452f15e3-50e0-4da6-9155-567a00d2d5b7}
 The total nominal center line length of an object or a layer.
const GUID NominalThickness = {d74737a8-dfce-4966-b044-2c20ae9f52fb}
 The nominal thickness of an object or a layer.
const GUID NominalWidth = {17b09070-9ffe-4b1f-bcc9-6cb23fb1d6ec}
 The nominal width of an object.
const GUID NumberOfRiser = {e1052ec8-bbfe-4a20-b093-c2752613ae80}
 The total number of risers included in a stair.
const GUID NumberOfTreads = {5cb8445e-8543-484a-b4ba-0f3343aa1f3a}
 The total number of treads included in a stair.
const GUID OuterSurfaceArea = {de1b2227-310d-4652-a793-c799c5be7036}
 The total area of extruded surfaces of an object (not taking into account the end cap areas), normally calculated as perimeter * length.
const GUID OverallDepth = {9210a311-a2f8-4741-aa51-bf04ae4d8425}
 The overall depth measure. It equals the depth of the bounding box of an object.
const GUID OverallHeight = {ff5dea01-7a9a-447b-9542-14b651dd8484}
 The overall height measure. It equals the height of the bounding box of an object.
const GUID OverallLength = {337e5138-9799-45cf-94f3-5fb6b4ae3de5}
 The overall length measure. It equals the length of the bounding box of an object.
const GUID OverallWidth = {c5501a9d-2f69-4990-bbf2-bfdaaf6e16da}
 The overall width measure. It equals the width of the bounding box of an object.
const GUID Perimeter = {2c072284-132e-4440-8178-e04f64b73320}
 The perimeter of an object.
const GUID ReinforcementUnitCount = {91acc5e5-c678-4224-aa1d-f569a9e5ecbf}
 The number of reinforcement units.
const GUID RelativeObjectBaselineBottomElevation = {8745b6cc-fb9d-4171-84c1-3ff0d88eae16}
 The elevation of object's baseline bottom counted from absolute zero.
const GUID RelativeObjectBaselineTopElevation = {3c9de0a7-be69-43f7-9eb4-72b2313502f4}
 The elevation of object's baseline top counted from absolute zero.
const GUID RelativeObjectBottomElevation = {e17d805b-0164-480a-849b-64fd022ec17a}
 The elevation of object bottom counted from absolute zero.
const GUID RelativeObjectTopElevation = {3ca98238-a2b5-424a-a579-6a0d66ef075a}
 The elevation of object top counted from absolute zero.
const GUID RiserHeight = {870252cf-e7c5-4b97-a474-be1fccdfdd46}
 The vertical distance between treads.
const GUID SheetCount = {ec396134-52c2-4527-90ea-462999f02f1c}
 The total number of corresponding sheets.
const GUID SheetNumber = {4c19f51b-9732-4d4a-956d-ce0aba12859d}
 The ordinal number of a sheet.
const GUID SlopeAngle = {653f7d66-5890-426d-a89d-13ab0d7a1cc1}
 The angle measured between a horizontal plane and a line.
const GUID SumConductorsLengths = {6686a358-9951-4d62-a44f-9a10fa18628e}
 The length of all Conductors in a Line Electrical Circuit.
const GUID TotalRebarLength = {198ff2a0-1c0e-4808-8945-734f6f83dce7}
 The total rebar length.
const GUID TotalRebarMass = {f1f263af-3a0f-490c-8946-7e1fce328179}
 The total rebar mass.
const GUID TotalSurfaceArea = {63afa0b2-3dc4-4500-9ca5-f46fc0ae935a}
 The total area of an object or a layer.
const GUID TreadLength = {05c887ca-b3ce-4532-8130-836d081c92bf}
 The horizontal distance from the front of a tread to the front of the next tread.
const GUID Volume = {6e63058d-0ab3-4abd-a9ba-574e1746c5ad}
 Overall volume measure.

Possible quantities for object types

Quantity name Beam Column Floor Ramp Roof Stair Wall Isolated
Railing Window Door Room Opening Assembly
Element Route Plumbing
Equipment Pipe Pipeline
Plate Air Duct
NominalThickness + + + + + + +
NominalLength + + + + + + + + + + + +
NominalWidth + + + + + +
NominalHeight + + + + + + + + +
Perimeter + + + + + + +
OverallWidth + + + + + +
OverallHeight + + + + +
OverallDepth + +
OverallLength + +
Volume +
NetVolume + + + + + + + + + + +
NetMass + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
OuterSurfaceArea + + + + + +
CrossSectionOverallWidth + + + +
CrossSectionOverallHeight + + + +
NetCrossSectionArea + + + +
GrossCrossSectionArea + +
GrossWallArea +
GrossCeilingArea +
GrossSideArea +
GrossSideAreaLeft +
GrossSideAreaRight +
Area + + +
NominalArea + +
NetArea + + +
NetFootprintArea + + +
NetFloorArea + +
NetSideArea + +
NetSideAreaLeft +
NetSideAreaRight +
NetPerimeter + +
NetWallArea + +
NetCeilingArea + +
InnerSurfaceArea + + +
InnerSurfaceInternalArea + +
InnerSurfaceExternalArea + +
GlazingArea + +
TotalSurfaceArea +
GrossArea + +
GrossPerimeter +
GrossFloorArea +
GrossVolume + + + +
GrossMass + + +
NumberOfRiser +
NumberOfTreads +
RiserHeight +
TreadLength +
TotalRebarLength + + + + + + +
TotalRebarMass + + + + + + +
RelativeObjectBottomElevation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
RelativeObjectTopElevation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
RelativeObjectBaselineBottomElevation + + + + + + + + + +
RelativeObjectBaselineTopElevation + + + + + + + + + +
SlopeAngle + +

Possible quantities for material layers

Possible quantities for rebar usage and reinforcement unit usage

. Rebar usage Reinforcement unit usage
Count +
TotalRebarLength + +
TotalRebarMass + +
ReinforcementUnitCount +

Variable Documentation

◆ ReinforcementUnitCount

const GUID ReinforcementUnitCount = {91acc5e5-c678-4224-aa1d-f569a9e5ecbf}

The number of reinforcement units.

See also
IObjectReinforcementModel, IReinforcementUnitUsage

◆ TotalRebarLength

const GUID TotalRebarLength = {198ff2a0-1c0e-4808-8945-734f6f83dce7}

The total rebar length.

  • For a model object, equals the length of all rebars of all styles used in the object, including any rebars used in reinforcement units.
  • For a rebar usage, equals the length of all rebars of the corresponding style used in the object, excluding the rebars used in reinforcement units. (Reinforcement units have their own rebar usages.)
See also
IObjectReinforcementModel, IRebarUsage

◆ TotalRebarMass

const GUID TotalRebarMass = {f1f263af-3a0f-490c-8946-7e1fce328179}

The total rebar mass.

  • For a model object, equals the mass of all rebars of all styles used in the object, including any rebars used in reinforcement units.
  • For a rebar usage, equals the mass of all rebars of the corresponding style used in the object, excluding the rebars used in reinforcement units. (Reinforcement units have their own rebar usages.)
See also
IObjectReinforcementModel, IRebarUsage

◆ Volume

const GUID Volume = {6e63058d-0ab3-4abd-a9ba-574e1746c5ad}

Overall volume measure.

For an opening, it equals the total volume of all object fragments cut by the opening. Volumes of overlapped openings are computed independently, i.e. if several openings cut a shared part, its volume will take part in calculation for all of the openings.