Interface List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 C_IActionEventsRepresents a handler for action events
 C_IApplicationEventsRepresents a handler for application events
 C_ISelectionEventsRepresents a handler for selection events
 CColorRepresents an RGBA color
 CCubeRepresents an axis-aligned bounding box
 CFloatPoint2DRepresents a 2D point
 CFloatPoint3DRepresents a 3D point
 CFloatVector3DRepresents a 3D vector
 CFontStyleRepresents a text font style
 CIActionRepresents a user interface command
 CIApplicationTop-level Renga API object. Gives access to all the functionality of the API
 CIApplicationCloseEventRepresents the application close event
 CIArc2DRepresents an arc in two-dimensional space, either circular or elliptic
 CIArc3DRepresents an arc in three-dimensional space, either circular or elliptic
 CIBeamParamsThe parameters of the beam constructed by profile moved along 3D path
 CIBeamStyleRepresents a beam style. This interface can be obtained from IBeamStyleManager interface
 CIBeamStyleManagerAllows the user to obtain beam styles. This interface can be obtained from IProject interface
 CIBuildingInfoContains information about building
 CICamera3DRepresents the camera in the main 3D view
 CIColumnParamsThe parameters of the column constructed by extruding the profile upwards
 CIColumnStyleRepresents a column style. This interface can be obtained from IColumnStyleManager interface
 CIColumnStyleManagerAllows the user to obtain column styles. This interface can be obtained from IProject interface
 CIContextMenuThis interface represents a context menu in Renga
 CIContextMenuItemContext menu item interface represents a base interface to all context menu items in Renga
 CIContextMenuNodeItemThe context menu node item interface represents a context menu node item in Renga
 CICurve2DRepresents a generic curve in two-dimensional space. A generic curve is a vector function of a scalar parameter defined on some interval of parameter values
 CICurve2DCollectionCollection of two-dimensional curves
 CICurve3DRepresents a generic curve in three-dimensional space. A generic curve is a vector function of a scalar parameter defined on some interval of parameter values
 CIDataExporterAllows the user to export different types of data from the application. This interface can be obtained from IProject
 CIDoorParamsThe parameters of the door
 CIDrawingRepresents an architectural drawing
 CIDrawingCollectionRepresents a collection of IDrawing objects
 CIDropDownButtonRepresents a button capable of displaying a drop-down list of mutually exclusive actions
 CIEntityRepresents a base Renga entity. IEntity is the root interface for other entity-specific interfaces such as IPropertyContainer, IParameterContainer, IModel. Depending on IEntity underlying type these interfaces can be obtained from IEntity as additional interfaces
 CIEntityCollectionRepresents a base Renga entity collection
 CIEquipmentStyleRepresents a equipment style. This interface can be obtained from IEquipmentStyleManager interface
 CIEquipmentStyleManagerAllows the user to obtain equipment styles. This interface can be obtained from IProject interface
 CIEventRepresents the base interface for all events
 CIExportedObject3DRepresents the triangulated geometry of an object
 CIExportedObject3DCollectionRepresents a collection of IExportedObject3D items
 CIFloorParamsThe parameters of the floor constructed by extruding floor contour down
 CIFlowSegmentPlacementRepresents the placement of a flow segment object on a route (Pipe, Duct, Electrical line)
 CIGridRepresents a triangle grid
 CIGridMaterialRepresents a grid material
 CIGridWithMaterialRepresents a grid associated with a material
 CIGridWithMaterialCollectionRepresents a collection of GridWithMaterial objects
 CIGuidCollectionRepresents a GUID collection
 CIIfcExportSettingsProvides IFC Export settings object. See IFC Export
 CIImageA compressed image data container
 CILandPlotInfoContains information about land plot
 CILayerRepresents a layer of a model object
 CILayerCollectionRepresents a model object layer collection
 CILayeredMaterialRepresents a multi-layered material
 CILayeredMaterialManagerAllows the user to obtain detailed information about layered materials. This interface can be obtained from IProject interface
 CILevelRepresents a level object model. This interface can be obtained from IModelObject (which should be level) using standard COM QueryInterface method
 CILevelObjectRepresents an object belonging to a level
 CILevelViewParamsRepresents a level view params
 CILine3DParamsThe parameters of the line3d
 CIMaterialRepresents a single-layer material
 CIMaterialLayerRepresents one layer of a layered material
 CIMaterialLayerCollectionRepresents a collection of IMaterialLayer objects
 CIMaterialManagerAllows the user to obtain detailed information about materials. This interface can be obtained from IProject interface
 CIMeshRepresents a mesh
 CIModelAllows to obtain and edit model objects
 CIModelObjectThe base interface for all model objects
 CIModelObjectCollectionRepresents a model object collection
 CIModelViewBase interface for views that work with model objects
 CINewEntityArgsRepresents arguments for new entity construction
 CIObjectOnRoutePlacementRepresents the placement of an object on a route
 CIObjectReinforcementModelRepresents a reinforcement model of an object
 CIObjectWithLayeredMaterialRepresents an object which has an associated layered material
 CIObjectWithMarkInterface for objects with marks
 CIObjectWithMaterialRepresents an object which has an associated material
 CIObjectWithPortsRepresents an object which has ports
 CIOpeningParamsRepresents opening parameters
 CIOperationThis class contains functions to edit a Renga project
 CIParameterRepresents a parameter
 CIParameterContainerRepresents a parameter container
 CIParameterDefinitionRepresents a parameter definition. This interface can be obtained through IParameter
 CIPlacement2DRepresents a local coordinate system in two-dimensional space
 CIPlacement3DRepresents a local coordinate system in three-dimensional space
 CIPlacement3DCollectionRepresents a collection of IPlacement3D objects
 CIPlumbingFixtureStyleRepresents a plumbing fixture style. This interface can be obtained from IPlumbingFixtureStyleManager interface
 CIPlumbingFixtureStyleManagerAllows the user to obtain plumbing fixture styles. This interface can be obtained from IProject interface
 CIPolyCurve2DRepresents a curve in two-dimensional space that consists of several joined curves
 CIPolyCurve3DRepresents a curve in three-dimensional space that consists of several joined curves
 CIPortRepresents a port
 CIPortDuctParamsPort duct parameters
 CIPortPipeParamsPort pipe parameters
 CIPostalAddressContains parts of mailing address
 CIProfileRepresents a profile. Profile is used to describe e.g. beam section or plate form. This interface can be obtained from e.g. IBeamStyle interface
 CIProfileDescriptionRepresents a profile description. Profile description represented by the 2D geometry and a set of constraints (optional). See Renga profile editor for better understanding. Different Renga entities (e.g. beam style, column style etc.) use profile description to create profiles by applying concrete parameter values to the profile description. This interface can be obtained from IProfileDescriptionManager interface
 CIProfileDescriptionManagerAllows the user to obtain profile descriptions. See Renga profile editor. This interface can be obtained from IProject interface
 CIProjectProvides methods to work with a Renga project. This interface can be obtained from IApplication interface. To edit Renga project use IOperation class
 CIProjectCloseEventRepresents the project close event
 CIProjectInfoContains information about project
 CIPropertyRepresents a property
 CIPropertyContainerRepresents a property container
 CIPropertyDescriptionRepresents a property description
 CIPropertyManagerRepresents a Property Manager
 CIQuantityRepresents a quantity
 CIQuantityContainerRepresents a quantity container
 CIRebarStyleRepresents a rebar style
 CIRebarUsageRepresents a usage of rebar in the reinforcement unit or reinforced object
 CIRebarUsageCollectionRepresents a collection of IRebarUsage objects. This interface can be obtained from IObjectReinforcementModel or IReinforcementUnitStyle
 CIRegion2DRegion in two-dimensional space
 CIRegion2DCollectionCollection of two-dimensional regions
 CIReinforcementUnitStyleRepresents a reinforcement unit style
 CIReinforcementUnitStyleManagerAllows the user to obtain detailed information about rebar styles and reinforcement unit styles. This interface can be obtained from IProject
 CIReinforcementUnitUsageRepresents a usage of a reinforcement unit in a reinforced object
 CIReinforcementUnitUsageCollectionRepresents a collection of IReinforcementUnitUsage objects. This interface can be obtained from IObjectReinforcementModel
 CIRichTextDocumentRepresents a text in RTF format
 CIRichTextParagraphRepresents a text paragraph
 CIRoomRepresents a room object model
 CIRouteParamsThe parameters of the route
 CIScreenshotServiceThis interface allows you to create screenshots according to the specified settings
 CIScreenshotSettingsProvides screenshot settings object
 CISelectionContains methods to work with selection in the model
 CISplitButtonThe split button is a composite control which allows user to trigger either the default action bound to the primary button, or an action out of the drop-down list of mutually exclusive actions bound to the secondary button
 CISystemStyleRepresents a system style. This interface can be obtained from ISystemStyleManager interface
 CISystemStyleManagerAllows the user to obtain system styles. This interface can be obtained from IProject interface
 CITextObjectRepresents an model text object
 CITitleBlockInstanceRepresents the drawing title block instance
 CIToolButtonThe tool button is a control which allows user to trigger an action
 CITransform2DRepresents a transform on plane, which is a 3x3 transformation matrix
 CITransform3DRepresents a transform in the three-dimensional space, which is a 4x4 transformation matrix
 CIUIContains functions relating to the user interface
 CIUIPanelExtensionIUIPanelExtension represents a collection of UI elements which are placed in a separate layout group of a UI panel
 CIUndoStackAn undo stack is a collection of Renga project changesets that can be undone, organized as a stack. When the Undo command is executed, the last changeset is undone and removed from the stack. Until another changeset is added to the stack, the undone changeset can be reverted with the Redo command. Redo reapplies the last undone changeset and pushes it back onto the Undo stack. A specific undo stack is associated with a specific model (See IModel, IProject::CreateOperationWithUndo, IProject::GetUndoStack)
 CIViewBase interface for all views
 CIView3DParamsRepresents a 3D view params. This interface can be obtained as an additional interface from Renga view
 CIWallContourRepresents a wall contour object
 CIWallParamsThe parameters of the wall constructed by extruding wall contour upwards
 CIWindowParamsThe parameters of the window
 CLayeredMaterialIdGroupPairRepresents a multi-layered material identifier
 CPoint2DRepresents a 2D point
 CPoint3DRepresents a 3D point
 CProductVersionRepresents a product version
 CPropertyDescriptionRepresents a property description
 CRectRepresents a rect defined by its edge's coords
 CRichTextTokenRepresents a text token
 CRouteJointParamsRepresents a route joint params
 CTriangleRepresents a mesh triangle defined by its vertex indices
 CVector2DRepresents a 2D vector
 CVector3DRepresents a 3D vector