HRESULT | Clear () |
| Removes all entities currently present in the collection.
HRESULT | Contains ([in] int id, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pContains) |
| Indicates whether the collection contains the entity.
HRESULT | ContainsUniqueId ([in] GUID id, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pContains) |
| Same as IParameterContainer::Contains, but accepting entity unique id.
HRESULT | ContainsUniqueIdS ([in] BSTR id, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pContains) |
| Same as IParameterContainer::ContainsUniqueId, but accepting entity unique id as a string.
HRESULT | GetById ([in] int id, [out, retval] IEntity **ppEntity) |
| Gets an entity by its identifier.
HRESULT | GetByIndex ([in] int index, [out, retval] IEntity **ppEntity) |
| Gets the entity by the given index.
HRESULT | GetByUniqueId ([in] GUID id, [out, retval] IEntity **ppEntity) |
| Gets the entity by its unique identifier.
HRESULT | GetByUniqueIdS ([in] BSTR id, [out, retval] IEntity **ppEntity) |
| Same as IEntityCollection::GetByUniqueId, but accepting unique identifier as a string.
HRESULT | GetIds ([out, retval] SAFEARRAY(int) *pIds) |
| Gets entity identifiers.
HRESULT | GetUniqueIds ([out, retval] IGuidCollection **ppUniqueIds) |
| Gets entity unique identifiers.
HRESULT | Remove ([in] int id) |
| Removes entity from the collection by its identifier.
HRESULT | RemoveByUniqueId ([in] GUID id) |
| Removes entity from the collection by its unique identifier.
HRESULT | RemoveByUniqueIdS ([in] BSTR id) |
| Same as RemoveByUniqueId, but accepting entity unique id as a string.
Represents a base Renga entity collection.
- See also
- IEntity, IProject