IEntity Interface Reference

Represents a base Renga entity. IEntity is the root interface for other entity-specific interfaces such as IPropertyContainer, IParameterContainer, IModel. Depending on IEntity underlying type these interfaces can be obtained from IEntity as additional interfaces. More...

Inheritance diagram for IEntity:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT GetInterfaceByName ([in] BSTR interfaceName, [out, retval] IDispatch **ppInterface)
 Returns an interface by its name.


int Id [get]
 Returns the unique identifier of the entity.
BSTR Name [get]
 Returns the name of the entity.
GUID TypeId [get]
 The type id of the entity. It is a universal unique identifier.
BSTR TypeIdS [get]
 Same as TypeId, but returning GUID as a string.
GUID UniqueId [get]
 The unique identifier of the entity. It is a universal unique identifier.
BSTR UniqueIdS [get]
 Same as UniqueId, but returning GUID as a string.

Detailed Description

Represents a base Renga entity. IEntity is the root interface for other entity-specific interfaces such as IPropertyContainer, IParameterContainer, IModel. Depending on IEntity underlying type these interfaces can be obtained from IEntity as additional interfaces.

See also
IEntityCollection, IParameterContainer, IPropertyContainer, IModel

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetInterfaceByName()

HRESULT GetInterfaceByName ( [in] BSTR interfaceName,
[out, retval] IDispatch ** ppInterface )

Returns an interface by its name.

This method is provided as an alternative for the standard COM QueryInterface() method for cases where IUnknown is not accessible, like interoperating with the API from some interpreted languages.

[in]interfaceNameThe name of the requested interface.
[out]ppInterfaceThe requested interface.