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Cut, Copy, Paste

The Cut (CTRL+X), Copy (CTRL+C), and Paste (CTRL+V) commands allow you to work with the clipboard in the model, Project Explorer, drawings, schedules, and tables, as well as exchange text and spreadsheet data with other Windows applications.

Model Clipboard

Selected model objects can be copied to the clipboard and then pasted:

All the specified parameters, properties and styles of objects are retained.

Expressions set for object properties are not saved when objects, schedules, and drawings are inserted into another project.


In order to cut an object:

  1. Select the object using the Object Selection tool.
  2. Press Cut (CTRL+X).
  3. The object is placed into the clipboard and is deleted from the work space. The object will stay in the clipboard until another object is placed there.


In order to copy an object:

  1. Select the object using the Object Selection tool.
  2. Press Copy (CTRL+C).
  3. The object will be copied to the clipboard. The object will stay in the clipboard until another object is placed there.


In order to paste a cut or copied object:

  1. Click Paste (CTRL+V).
  2. Select the insertion point.

To paste objects copied from different levels to other levels or to another project, the difference in level heights at the insertion point must match the original one.

The rules for pasting copied objects are the same as the rules for creating them. For example, in order to paste a wiring accessory, it must be on the edge of the object, just as it was at creation.

When you insert objects copied from the 3D View, only those objects will be inserted into the Assembly style that are included in the Assembly style tools and were on the same (lower) level.

In order to copy objects within one level (drawing), it is recommended that object handles be used as well as the combination of CTRL + left click of the mouse or use the Create copy action.

Drawing Clipboard

Selected drawing objects can be copied to the clipboard and then pasted:

All the specified parameters, properties and styles of objects are retained. When pasted into another project, Views and Objects retain only the frame and parameters.

Project Explorer Clipboard

Selected project components can be copied to the clipboard and then pasted:

Object properties, filters, styles are pasted along with the component to another project, when copying project components from the Project Explorer. However, levels, elevations, sections views are not pasted with drawings.

Schedule and Table Clipboard

Selected table cells can be copied and pasted:

Selected schedule cells can be copied and pasted:

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