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The View tool is intended to insert plans of levels, elevations, sections in a specified view scale in a drawing.

View parameters:

View. The list of levels, elevations, sections existing in a project.

View name.

View scale.

The Visual style allows you to display a view in one of the following styles:

  • Wireframe. Вид is displayed with all lines and surfaces in black and white. Object reinforcement is displayed.
  • Monochrome. Вид is displayed with all lines and surfaces in black and white The colors of the lines and hatches correspond to those specified during creation or in the material editor.
  • Color. Вид is displayed in color. The color and hatch of an object depends on the material assigned to the object. If material is not assigned, then the predefined colors are displayed.
  • Textured. The textures assigned to materials are displayed on object surfaces. If there are no textures, the object is displayed as in a colored visual style, but without hatch.

Display style. You can specify a certain set of objects to display in the view. The display of objects can be configured differently in various styles.

Filter. Allows to select only those model objects that match to the specified criteria.

Section plane offset. Available for the level view. It determines the elevation mark of section plane in relation to the current level.

View depth level. Available for the level view. It determines the level at which the depth of view plane is located.

View depth plane offset. Available for Level and Section views.

Parameters may be modified both in the process of view construction and editing.

To insert a view:

  1. When executing a drawing, select the View tool .
  2. On the Parameters panel, select necessary view on the list.
  3. Specify the View name.
  4. Select a view scale.
  5. Select Visual style and display style the view should be displayed in.
  6. Specify Filter if needed.
  7. Set the visibility area.

    By default, the Section plane offset, View depth level, View depth plane offset parameters correspond to the parameters set for the Level or Section in the model at the time of the view insertion. After insertion, the parameters set in the model do not apply the drawings view display.

  8. Select the view insertion point in the drawing.

Regardless of the selected style, the designations created in the model are not displayed in views.

View editing means expanding and reducing the view's boundaries, changing its scale and replacing the view itself with a different view. View editing does not include model modification.

When editing a model, a view inserted in a drawing is automatically updated.

In order to open the view for editing or preview from the drawing:

  1. Right-click the view in the drawing.
  2. Select Open in the context menu.
  3. Edit/review the view in a new window.

All the universal operations are available to insert views in a drawing.

In order to modify, copy or relocate a created view, select it using the Select tool.

In First Project in Renga you can find the examples how to insert views with different parameters.