You are here: Primary panel commands > Manage styles > Categories

CategoriesAdding and viewing of categories is possible with Renga Professional edition.

The categories that are added to the Renga project template or project are used to create MEP objects, such as the following:

To import new categories of engineering system objects into the Renga project in RST format:

  1. Click Manage Styles Categories on the Primary panel.
  2. In the Categories window, select the object type to add the new category.
  3. Click Import category .
  4. Select RST file.
  5. A Renga Style Template (RST) file can be created using the Renga Style Template Description Language (STDL), see Renga STDL documentation for detail.

  6. Edit the category name if necessary.
  7. Click OK.

In order to create an object style based on a category:

  1. Click Manage Styles on the Primary panel. Choose the object type styles that have been assigned to the category.
  2. Creating a new style.
  3. On the right side of the window, select the imported category.
  4. Set parameters and properties.
  5. Click OK.

Based on the category, you can create an unlimited number of styles for the selected object type. If no styles have been created using a category, it can be deleted from the project.