You are here: Modeling > Plumbing Fixture

Plumbing Fixture

The Plumbing fixture tool is intended to put plumbing fixture on the work plane to design internal pipe and sewage systems.

To place an object:

  1. Click the Plumbing fixture tool.
  2. Set the Plumbing fixture parameters:
  3. Plumbing fixture position relative to axis. Each option on the drop-down list shows how the object will be located relative to the insertion point on the level's plan or 3D view.

    Plumbing fixture horizontal offset. Horizontal offset of wiring accessory. Can take negative values.

    Can take negative values. Y axis offset relative to insertion point. Can take negative values.

    Plumbing fixture style. Defines plumber fixture type: appearance, overall dimensions and connection points parameters. If there are no any styles applied, the default object appears. When editing, you can select only the style of the same category from the list.



    Spin angle.

    Level Determines the plumbing fixture's level.

    Vertical offset. Determines the vertical offset of plumbing fixture relatively to the insertion point.

    Mark. It appears in the schedules. Necessary for insertion into the drawing.

  4. Specify an insertion point on the work plane.

In order to modify, copy or relocate created accessory, select it with the Select tool.

To connect equipment to a pipe system:

  1. Right-click the object in the 3D view, level's plan or schedule.
  2. Select Select in system > System category name on the shortcut menu.
  3. In the system tab, determine the connection.

If object ports are not connected to the route, then all available system categories are displayed in the context menu. If ports are connected to routes, then only their categories are displayed in the list.