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Tabs and Windows

The 3D View of a Renga project opens in the Renga primary window by default when you create or open a project. The title of the primary window displays the project file name and the server connection status.

To open another project at the same time:

  • run Renga again and open the project on the Start page.
  • open the file from a disk location.

Working with drawings,levels, assembly stylessections, elevations, schedules, tables, engineering systems takes place in separate tabs or windows. The primary window can be split into multiple tab bars. One separate window may contain only one document at a time.

Tabs are ordered one by one on the tab bar, to make it convenient you may relocate tabs any way you need. There is the Open Project Explorer button to the right of the last tab.

Opening a new tab

Click the Open Project Explorer button to open a new tab called Project Explorer. Double left click on the project component opens it in a new tab in the primary Renga window.

Tabs position

To change the order of tabs, drag the tab to a new place on the tab bar.

To move the tab to a separate window, drag it out of the tab bar.

Docking Tabs

Docking a tab means that you can attach it to a particular part of the program window. To dock a tab do the following:

  1. Drag the tab out of the tab bar and drop it onto one of the small squares that appear in the interface.
  2. The grey portion of the square indicates where the tab will be docked.

In order to relocate a tab from one tab bar to another, drag a tab out of the initial tab bar and drop it to a new place on another tab bar.

Switching between tabs

To switch between open tabs, hold down the CTRL key and press TAB. For details, see Keyboard Shortcuts.

Closing Tabs and Windows

Click at the tab corner to close the tab.

Click the Close button at the top right window corner to close the window or press ALT+F4 shortcut.

When you close 3D View tab, all the rest tabs of the project close automatically and the Start page appears.