You are here: Objects management > Editing engineering systems > Route Rebuilding

Route Rebuilding

The Rebuild route command allows you to build a route with other parameters or taking into account new model objects.

To rebuild a route:

  1. Select a route in 3D View. Right-click and select Select in system > System category name on the shortcut menu.
  2. On the system tab, select the Rebuild route command from the Commands panel.
  3. In the System parameters editor, specify parameters of the selected route. Please note that the highlighted section is a Main line and the Branch lines are connected to it
  4. On the Styles tab, select required styles from the available ones.
  5. Click OKto apply the changes and rebuild the route.

After rebuilding, all the branch lines including their child branch lines will be rebuilt. The objects placed on these routes will be replaced with the new ones, specified in the System parameters.

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