You are here: Primary panel commands > Manage styles > Pipe Systems > Pipe System Parameters

Pipe System Parameters

The Pipe system parameters editor shows all the categories of pipe systems available in Renga.

After configuration of pipe system parameters, Renga will provide you with a list of most suitable pipes and pipe fittings for further automatic placement on a route.


Parameters need to be specified for main lines and branch lines of selected pipe system category separately. The following parameters are available:

Main line — a piece of a route, connecting two route points or any other equipment with each other.

Branch line — a piece of a route, connecting a route point or any other equipment with another route.

Pipe Styles

The tab shows a list of available pipe styles. The Material and Connection type parameters match to the values specified on the Parameters tab.

For example, if there is Connection type - Welded specified on the Parameters tab, the pipe styles with the welded connection type only will be shown.

Pipe Fitting Styles

The tab shows a list of available pipe fitting styles. The Connection type and Nominal diameter parameters of the pipe fittings match to the values of pipes selected on the Pipe styles tab.

For example, if there is a pipe style with the Connection type - Welded selected on the Pipe styles tab, the pipe fittings with the welded connection type only will be shown on the Pipe fitting styles tab.

The pipe fittings based on the selected pipe styles will be displayed.

Automatically are selected fitting styles based on categories with two or more non-collinear ports, such as Сross, Elbow and Tee.

Pipe System Parameters Configuration

  1. Select the Pipe system parameters option on the Manage styles – Pipe systems menu on the Primary panel.
  2. On the left side of the window, select required pipe system category from the list.
  3. On the right side of the window, on the Parameters tab, specify main lines and branch lines parameters:
  4. On the Pipe styles tab, select the applicable pipes. Set the priority by the Move up and Move down buttons.
  5. On the Pipe fitting styles tab, select the applicable pipe fittings. Set the priority by the Move up and Move down buttons.
  6. Pipes and fittings are placed automatically based on the Parameters. The priority specified by Move up and Move down buttons will be taken into account the last.

  7. Click OK to apply the pipes and pipe fittings to the pipe system category.

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