You are here: Modeling > Designations > Section > Section in parallel planes

Section in parallel planes

A section in parallel planes is formed by two or more cutting parallel planes. In order to construct a section in parallel planes:

  1. On the Tools Panel, click Designation – the Section tool.
  2. Select the Section in parallel planes section type .
  3. On the work plane, specify the first point of the section cutting plane.
  4. Then specify the second point on the work plane or type the length and rotation angle values in the dynamic input fields.
  5. Specify the third point that determines the position of the next cutting plane or type the distance between the cutting planes and the cutting plane length values in the dynamic input fields.
  6. Keep on building the section until it is completed. Press ENTER to finish the construction.

When building a section, pay attention to the arrow pointer. The symbol arrow determines the view direction.

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