You are here: Documentation > Dimension


The Dimension tool makes it possible to dimensing in a drawing and includes the following kinds of dimensions:

Automatically by view.

Linear dimension.

Diameter dimension.

Radial dimension.

Angular dimension.

Elevation mark.

Dimension parameters:

Dimension Value Type. Select one of the following options:

The dimension value – determined by the distance between the points automatically.

Text – the value is set manually.

Value. It is defined automatically if a dimension value has been selected.

Dimension scale. It has to be set if the dimension is calculated automatically. For dimensions to be displayed correctly, the dimension scale shall coincide with the scale of the view in which dimensions are plotted.

Landing line orientation. Set the landing line orientation, if the text is moved to the landing line when editing.

Text Style.

Parameters may be modified both in the process of dimension construction and in case of editing.

All the universal operations are available for construction of dimensions.

In order to modify, copy or relocate a dimension having been created, select it using the Object Selection tool.

In order to create the same dimensions in the drawing as in the model consider the following:

  1. When formatting a drawing, select the Dimension tool.
  2. Select the Automatically by view section type.
  3. Move the mouse cursor to view where you need to create the dimensions.
  4. Fix the dimensions position by left-clicking the mouse.

You can change the size parameters obtained automatically by the view, only when editing.

If the dimensions are plotted on the view, linear dimensions and elevation marks will update automatically when the model is changed but only if they were built using object snaps: the object end point. Diameter, radial and angular dimensions are not updated.

We recommend you check the dimensions on the drawings after the model is changed.

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