You are here: Documentation > Line


The Line tool in the drawing includes the following methods of line construction:

Line by specifying two points;

Arc by specifying three points;

Arc by specifying start, center, end points;

Circle by specifying a center point and radius.

The pointer is changed depending on the construction mode. For example, if an arc line is constructed by specifying start, center and end points, the pointer changes as follows:

Line parameters:

Line thickness.

Line caps.

Line type.

Line color.

Parameters may be modified both in the process of line construction and when editing. Press ENTER to fix the parameter values.

All the universal operations are available for line construction.

In order to modify, copy or relocate a line having been created, select it using the Select object tool.

You may change the order of lines, hatches and text in drawings with the Arrange option on the shortcut menu.

All lines are plotted in the drawing in the drawing's units, i.e., if a sheet is printed out in 1:1 view scale, the lines in it will be displayed in 1:1 view scale.

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