You are here: Documentation > Text


Model text tool is intended to insert a text on the drawing.

To insert a text:

  1. When formatting a drawing, select the Text tool .
  2. Set Parameters of the text: Level.
  3. Determines the text level. Vertical offset.
  4. Determines the vertical offset of text relatively to the level. By holding down the left mouse button, set an area on the 3D view or level's plan.

  5. Bold;



    Align Text Left;

    Align Text Center;

    Align Text Right;




  6. Symbol.
  7. There are also Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo/Redo commands available in the Text editor window. This setting does not influence text display in a drawing.
  8. Click OK.

You may change the order of lines, hatches and text in drawings with the Arrange option on the shortcut menu.

To insert a text:

  1. To edit a text:
  2. Select a text using the Select tool.

Double click the text to open Text editor or select the Edit option on the shortcut menu.

In order to modify, copy or relocate a text having been created, select it using the Select tool.

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