You are here: Documentation > Designations > Grid line

Grid Line

The Grid Line designation includes the following methods of constructing grid lines:

Automatically by view.

Line by specifying two points.

Arc by specifying three points.

Arc by specifying start, center, end points.

Arc by specifying three points;

Grid Line Parameters:

Grid Line Name.

Grid Line Extension. It defines the distance from the extreme handle to the grid bubble.

Grid bubbles display.

Text Style.

The grid line parameters may be modified during the construction process and when editing.

Use the SHIFT key to link a point to the nearest coordinates grid node.

In order to create grid lines in the drawing as in the model consider the following:

  1. When executing a drawing, select the Grid line designation.
  2. Select the Automatically by view section type.
  3. Set the grid line parameters to define their display on the drawing.
  4. Move the mouse cursor to view where you need to create grid lines.
  5. Fix the grid lines position by left-clicking the mouse.

Grid lines created in the drawing by Automatically by view will update when you edit the model. But if you move or rename the axis in the drawing, the link between this axis in the model and in the drawing will be lost.

To change the position of the created grid bubble:

  1. Select the grid line.
  2. Edit the grid bubble position using handle.

Other construction modes of grid lines are described in the Modeling section:

Straight Grid Line

Arc Grid Line

Round Grid Line

All the universal operations are available for creation of grid lines.

In order to modify, copy or relocate a created grid line, select it using the Select tool. Use the Actions to create a grid of coordinate grid lines.

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