You are here: Modeling > Railing > Ramp railing

Ramp Railing

Ramp railing parameters are different from parameters of other railings:

Railing height;

Space between the balusters;

Railing offset.

Mark. The parameter is used to insert objects into a drawing.

The construction mode Place on ramp is available in Polar and Rectangular measure modes only.

To construct a ramp railing, do the following:

  1. On the Tools panel, click the Railing tool.
  2. Select the Place on ramp construction mode.
  3. Then move the mouse cursor to the ramp snap line by similar of which a railing should be constructed. Phantom view will appear.
  4. Left-click to fix the railing position.

When editing a ramp on which the railing has been constructed, the railing changes along with it.

In order to modify ramp railing's parameters, select it using the Select tool.

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